2024 TI Codes Contest top-rated projects
This year, teams devised a solution that automates or optimizes a process or product, based on the theme “safety and security.”
Check out the team videos that earned the acclaim of the contest judges. The grand prize winner received the most public votes, and the runners up received the second and third highest number of votes, respectively.
Grand prize winner: Theft Thwarters
Meet the finalists
First runner-up:
Second runner-up:
The Extinguishers
Pomfret School
Honorable mentions
Severn School Admirals
Earth Alert
The eighth-annual contest is underway. Check it out!
Go to 2025
For contest-related inquires, please email CodesContest@ti.com.
Previous TI Codes Contests
Watch the TI Codes Contest top project videos from other years.