Education Technology
On-demand T³™ Webinars

Learn on your schedule with recordings of T³™ webinars exploring ways to use TI technology to engage students and enhance conceptual understanding. Leverage teaching and exam prep resources, build on your technology skills and more.

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Title Technology Topic
TI-84 Plus Series Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-Nspire Series Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-Nspire Series Coding,
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Content Knowledge
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Non Technology Focused General Interest
TI-84 Plus Series Content Knowledge,
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Mathematical Modeling
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System
Teaching Strategies
Non Technology Focused Content Knowledge,
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series Coding
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
TI-Nspire Series Content Knowledge,
Exam Preparation
TI-Nspire Series Content Knowledge,
Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Financial literacy
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
General Interest,
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources,
Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus family,
TI‑Nspire™ Technology
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus family,
TI‑Nspire™ Technology
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources,
Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Data Collection
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources,
Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
TI-Nspire Series Coding,
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills,
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies,
General Interest
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Computer Algebra Systems (CAS)
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Teaching Resources
Non Technology Focused Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge,
Teaching Resources
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge,
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Content Knowledge
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Technology Skills,
Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Coding,
Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest,
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused Grant Writing,
General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Teaching Resources,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Teaching Resources,
Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies,
Virtual Learning
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Mathematical Modeling
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Coding
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System
Technology Skills
Non Technology Focused Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Virtual Learning
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies,
Virtual Learning
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad® Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad® Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad® Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad®
Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family Teaching Resources,
Virtual Learning
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources,
Virtual Learning
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused Mathematical Practices
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family Teaching Strategies
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Innovator Rover™
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Calculus” is Topic 5 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Calculus within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Calculus subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight what is available on the new Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Calculus sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

Attendees of the live webinar will be entered into a drawing for free registration to the 2020 Teachers Teaching with Technology™ International Conference (T³IC). (See drawing rules.)

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused General Interest
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Becky Byer, Becky Underwood
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Steve Phelps
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Statistics and Probability” is Topic 4 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Statistics and Probability within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Statistics and Probability subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight what is available on the new Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Statistics and Probability sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

Attendees of the live webinar will be entered into a drawing for free registration to the 2020 Teachers Teaching with Technology™ International Conference (T³IC). (See drawing rules.)

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Brad Posnanski, Paul Alves
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Technology Skills
Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Join Tom Reardon as he shares learnings from The Climate Reality Project® Core Leadership training with former vice president Al Gore. Come explore how your students can model the most current data about climate change, including its causes and consequences, and discover the correlations among various sets of data.

This content is appropriate for mathematics students from grade eight through college. Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

The Climate Reality Project is a registered trademark of its owner.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Anthony Record
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this final session of our "Algebra through Calculus" series, presenters will discuss piece-wise functions and graphs. Students begin to work with piece-wise functions in algebra and continue this through their high school courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss these concepts and their connections throughout the vertical alignment of high school courses. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students are expected to work with both expressions and graphs of piecewise functions. For example, continuity and differentiability are topics that rely heavily on the analysis of a piecewise function. Often students are given the graph of an accumulation function which is represented by a piecewise function and asked to provide characteristics of the antiderivative.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Erick Archer, Fred Fotsch, Mike Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI has resources for Science Olympiad's newest Division C event, Detector Building. The presenters will walk you through how to get your students started and will guide you to TI resources that will help your team succeed.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Implementation
Speakers: Kim Schelderup, Lynn Adsit
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Students can make mathematical connections across topics and grade levels by solving a problem from a previous course using new content they have recently learned, or they can modify how they set up a problem and compare the solutions for both starting points. Using the same problem again can provide students with a vertically integrated curriculum and a unified view of mathematics.

Join us to take a journey through middle and high school mathematics curriculum by focusing on one rich problem.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Geometry and Trigonometry” is Topic 3 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Geometry and Trigonometry within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Geometry and Trigonometry subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Geometry and Trigonometry sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Why is NCTM’s “Catalyzing Change ...” an important document, and what does it mean for us as teachers?

In this webinar, we will:
  • Explore the messages in “Catalyzing Change ...” in the context of what we teach and to whom
  • Consider how technology can help us make the content in algebra and functions a reality for all students
  • Examine what statistical ideas are critical to help all students make sense of the world in which they live
Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Alice Fisher, Mike Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore the deep connection between music and mathematics while we learn how to encode music using the TI-Innovator™ Hub. Join this webinar to:
  • Learn the principles of musical scales discovered by the Pythagoreans to analyze musical notes mathematically
  • Explore how to encode music (including rhythm) by representing each note with its sound frequency and duration in time
  • Experience how computational thinking can support the problem-solving process by learning how to use pattern recognition and abstractions in coding to efficiently create music
  • If time allows, learn how to construct simple external speakers that connect to the TI-Innovator™ Hub through the breadboard connections
Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Join notable author, presenter and teacher Pam Harris as she explores Problem Strings, one of the most powerful instructional routines for constructing understanding and strategy. During this webinar, we will:
  • Experience Problem Strings that help students construct mathematical strategies
  • Define Problem Strings and how they can be used to sequence tasks for student success
  • Consider how technology can enhance Problem Strings
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Yew Fook Chan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, we will discuss questions from the May 2019 IBDP Mathematics HL examinations and how we can use TI-Nspire™ CX to solve them effectively and efficiently. Areas that will be focused on include calculator, graphing, lists & spreadsheets, and data & statistics apps.

The presenter will share keystrokes to solve questions, as well as some tips for using the TI-Nspire™ CX for assessment efficiently and effectively.

Participants will learn useful and important things to look out for when using the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld in the IB examinations.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Kara Leaman, Ann Schlemper
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover ways to get your students to use simple coding to assess their knowledge of function behavior and apply it to real and creative contexts. Join this webinar to explore coding on the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator and TI Connect™ CE software application.

Presenters will demonstrate writing programs that can be used in algebra, precalculus and calculus. These programs include explorations of:
  • Near asymptotes
  • End behavior/limits at infinity
  • Zeros/x-intercepts
  • Applications to blood alcohol levels
  • Some graphic design
The presenters will highlight:
  • Programs that allow students to enhance, check and apply their understanding of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Programming shortcuts included on the latest TI-84 Plus CE operating system
  • The efficiency of programming using TI Connect™ CE software
TI-84 Plus Series Coding
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Functions” is Topic 2 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” This webinar focuses on the changes to Functions within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Functions subtopics within all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Functions sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Tom Reardon, Scott Knapp
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In the second “ACT® Math Test Success” webinar, explore how to utilize TI technology to develop students’ understanding of key concepts on the ACT® math test. Presenters will focus on classroom activities using TI technology created to assist students to better prepare for and take the ACT® math test.

Relevant for middle grades and high school math teachers, these lessons focus on:
  • Absolute value
  • Pythagorean triples
  • Functions
  • Matrices
  • Systems
  • Area and perimeter of triangles, rectangles, trapezoids and parallelograms
Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators will be used.

ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Corey Boby, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In the second session of our “Algebra through Calculus” series, presenters will discuss domain and range of functions. Students begin to work with domains and ranges in algebra and continue this through their high school courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss these concepts throughout the vertical alignment of high school courses. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students are expected to know the domains of polynomial, rational, power, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. For example, students should consider domain restrictions whenever they work with the analysis of functions using the first and second derivative. Continuity and differentiability are also topics that rely heavily on the domain of a function. Students should also be able to work with domain restrictions when working with differential equations.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Ron Lancaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Let’s put on a pair of mathematical glasses to look for where math lives in current events and develop mathematical questions related to daily life. Join NCTM columnist Ron Lancaster as he leads a discussion on how students can use TI technology to answer mathematical questions related to events of the day. The end goal will be to have students do this on their own by asking them to read news stories and develop their own questions. Technology skills will include lists, tables, graphs and the solver utility.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Let’s put our principles into action by using some of the effective teaching practices with some of our favorite rich tasks. During this webinar, presenters will examine key elements of NCTM’s “Principles to Actions.”

Join us to:
  • Experience ways to make the “Principles to Actions” come alive in your classroom
  • Explore activities that bring together some of the effective teaching strategies from “Principles to Actions”
  • Consider how dynamic interactive technology can enhance those strategies
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Number and Algebra” is Topic 1 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” This webinar focuses on the changes to Number and Algebra within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Number and Algebra subtopics within all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Number and Algebra sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Janice Mitchener, Dennis Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Students begin to work with equivalent expressions in algebra and continue through their high school math courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss seeing structure in expressions and equations from algebra I through calculus. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students will be expected to use and recognize equivalent expressions on the multiple-choice section. For example, students should be able to rearrange expressions into equivalent forms before evaluating a limit. Students should also be able to convert simple rational and radical expressions into exponent forms before finding a derivative or antiderivative.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies,
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Valerie Hudson, Monique Williams
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is designed for algebra I educators in Texas who use TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology and want to learn more to drive student success on the Texas Algebra I EOC exam.

Presenters will discuss:
  • Using TI graphing technology to create truth statements for solving algebra I questions
  • Powerful reasons for utilizing the Graph feature even when students are not prompted to graph
  • The use of graphing technology with recursive functions
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation,
Speakers: Pat Flynn, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, presenters will explore strategies and TI graphing calculator skills that can help students prepare for the math section of the ACT® test.

Join this presentation to:
  • Get tips for integrating TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology to find answers to ACT® test questions
  • Learn ACT® test-prep strategies that can be implemented in your classroom to solve multiple-choice problems
  • Familiarize yourself with some of the question types found on the math ACT® test
ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

The International Baccalaureate® (IB®) Diploma Programme is rolling out new math curricula starting this fall. Are you ready? The courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches,” have some changes that every IB® math teacher should know. The presenter will discuss changes to the new curricula as well as introduce resources from Texas Instruments (TI) for your IB® math classroom.

Join this webinar to learn about:

  • How the new courses compare to IB® Math Studies, IB® Math SL and IB® Math HL
  • The core topics for both new courses
  • Ready-to-use resources for the IB® math classroom from TI

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Non Technology Focused International Baccalaureate
Speakers: John Ashurst, Kathy Hale
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, the presenters will promote strategies that connect some frequently overlooked TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator capabilities with students’ analytical thinking.

By the end of this interactive webinar, participants will have experienced these strategies:
  • Utilizing the Ask feature within a table (for multiple choice questions or checking answers)
  • Introducing the Store capacity on the home screen (to work with expressions and equations, especially equations in standard form)
  • Using Sequence Mode to predict the NEXT value, based on the NOW value
  • Exploring Piecewise Graphing as it is used to make sense of situational questions
Have your TI-84 Plus CE handy and play along.

TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Sean Bird, Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Whether you are new or an experienced user of TI-Nspire™ technology, come participate for an exciting look at what you can do this year in your math and science classroom.

Join this webinar to:
  • Enjoy learning about the new functionality and ease-of-use improvements
  • Experience how teachers and students can use Path Plot to discover and explore function, parametric and polar graphs
  • Enhance your ability to implement the new features in your classroom
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Valerie Hudson, Monique Williams
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is designed for eighth grade educators in Texas who use TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology and want to learn more to drive student success on the Texas eighth grade EOC exam. Presenters will cover key elements of teaching with TI technology and will focus on helping students use this technology to better understand key exam topics.

Join this webinar to explore:
  • Implementing TI graphing technology to assist with geometric transformations
  • Utilizing TI graphing technology to order numbers and create truth statements for solving eighth grade mathematics questions
  • Using the Store feature to solve problems
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation,
Speakers: Landy Godbold, Steve Viktora, Connie Schrock
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The MAC-CPTM Situations Project from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia published a set of Situations in Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-Based Situations that were drawn from incidents that occurred in classes observed by members of the Situations Project team.

Some members of this team later collaborated with members of NCSM to produce a Guidebook with six of these Situations. The Guidebook shows multiple ways for a facilitator to direct the professional learning of preservice and/or in-service teachers. The objective is to help teachers make connections among secondary mathematical ideas and to value the relevance and power of their understanding of mathematics beyond that which they teach.

This session will familiarize the participants with this resource. The Situation about Mean and Median will be the focus of this session. TI-Nspire™ technology will be used as an “electronic sandbox” to explore the Situation.

TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Steve Viktora, Connie Schrock
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The MAC-CPTM Situations Project from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia published a set of Situations in Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-Based Situations that were drawn from incidents that occurred in classes observed by members of the Situations Project team.

Some members of this team later collaborated with members of NCSM to produce a Guidebook with six of these Situations. The Guidebook shows multiple ways for a facilitator to direct the professional learning of preservice and/or inservice teachers. The objective is to help teachers make connections among secondary mathematical ideas and to value the relevance and power of their understanding of mathematics beyond that which they teach.

This session will familiarize the participants with this resource. We will delve into the Situation about Circumscribing Polygons and explore how TI-Nspire™ technology can support teacher learning while engaging with the Situations.

TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
While the ACT® math test is still fresh in your mind, come join us to cover an overview of lessons learned and things to consider for your school as you re-energize over the summer and get ready for next year.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
During this follow-up webinar, the presenters will focus on instructional practices for supporting the development and revision of tasks that support task implementation with TI technology. The presenters will examine how specific practices and task selection can leverage technology to support student learning, such as:
  • Connecting mathematical representations
  • Posing purposeful questions
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How can you help your students to reason about proportional situations, including those with unit and non-unit rates? During the webinar, the presenter uses the instructional routine of "Problem Strings" to demonstrate how to help students construct multiplicative and proportional reasoning.

Explore the power of TI technology to:
  • Create scatter plots of proportional data
  • Graph functions that model the data
  • Examine rates of change and the connections to the data and the functions
The presenter utilizes both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Ron Lancaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
We will put on a pair of mathematical glasses to look for where math lives in the world around us, and we will practice the art of developing mathematical questions related to where we encounter mathematics.

Because this is a webinar, we will not be able to go outside for a walk, but we will be able to examine photos and videos to view the world through a mathematical lens. We will discuss how TI technology can be used be used to support students through a journey that begins with them answering our mathematical questions and that leads students to posing and solving their own questions related to what is of interest to them.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Mathematical Modeling
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how TI-Innovator™ Rover can be integrated into math classrooms to develop and support important mathematics concepts. During this webinar, presenters will:
  • Consider experiences that develop students’ abilities to collaborate, think creatively, and solve problems, while also exploring and extending mathematics topics
  • Explore ready-made activities for learning mathematics with TI-Innovator™ Rover
  • Analyze how computational thinking supports mathematics process standards
This session utilizes both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-Innovator Rover™,
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How you implement tasks is just as important as selecting high quality tasks. During the webinar, the presenters will focus on instructional practices that support the implementation of high quality tasks with TI technology. The presenters will examine how you can leverage technology to support student learning, such as:
  • Promoting reasoning and sense making
  • Eliciting student thinking
The presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Karlheinz Haas, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do your students want more data collection activities from you? The new TI-SensorLink Adapter is the tool you need to add to your STEM activities. During this webinar, the presenters will:
  • Introduce the TI-SensorLink™ Adapter for use with TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire(tm) CX graphing calculators
  • Expand STEM project possibilities by connecting select Vernier sensors to the TI-Innovator™ Hub
  • Explore how this TI technology can strengthen student understanding of scientific concepts
This webinar is designed for those who already know some coding basics.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Data Collection
Speakers: Sean Bird, John Hanna
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI’s new TI-Nspire™ CX II suite of handhelds and premium software include many exciting new features that will have a positive impact on your teaching and learning. Join this webinar to get the latest information.

TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Erick Archer, Jessica Kohout
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how you can do STEM projects with your students. Presenters will sample a number of popular STEM projects that use the TI-Innovator™ Hub. These projects are being used by middle and high school teachers with their students right now. Also learn about the TI STEM Team’s “STEM Project Loan Program” to try STEM projects with your students.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Scott Washburn, Edward Chaves
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you want to show your students how much mathematics there is in sports? During this month of March Madness, we are going to analyze the anatomy of a free throw shot. In this exploration, discover why some free throws are better than others based on their quadratic equation and their entry angle through the hoop. The presenters will demonstrate TI technology skills to highlight:
  • Capturing points from an animation
  • Analyzing data on a Data and Statistics page
  • Exploring a Lists and Spreadsheets page
  • Measuring angles on a Geometry page
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Irina Lyublinskaya, Karen Campe
Technology Proficiency Level: All
With Pi day just two weeks away, it’s time to dive into a healthy serving. Join this webinar to learn activities to excite your students about this irrational number that's all around us. Presenters will look into the search for Pi from ancient times to modern times. They will explore simulation ideas surrounding Pi and cover a range of topics for use in your math classroom.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Fan Disher
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? During this webinar, the presenters will focus on sound mathematical reasoning and the appropriate use of technology for some released AP® Calculus questions.

The presenters will examine technology skills students will be expected to use, including:
  • Definite Integrals – Approximating (including Area and Volume)
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus – Finding a new value of a function
  • Definite Integrals – Accumulation functions
  • Definite Integrals – Motion along a line and (BC) Parametric Equations
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Tracy Watson, Mike Koehler
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Prepare your students for the AP Statistics Exam with insights from Exam Readers. Technology plays an integral part in students' preparation for the exam. Come learn some tips and tricks for gettting your students ready for data analysis, probability and inference.

Using related AP® Statistics Exam questions, the presenters will examine technology skills that students will be expected to have mastered. The presenters will demonstrate:
  • Technology tools involving normal distribution
  • Statistical inference - Confidence intervals using technology
  • Statistical inference – Hypothesis testing using technology
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Margaret Bambrick, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Come see some fun math activities to bring back to your students. Engage your students in interesting math ideas and explorations. In this webinar, presenters will explore features of the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators that are useful to both new and experienced users. Join this session to learn how to:
  • Explore middle grades and high school math concepts related to images, transformations, and graphs
  • Store data, graphs, functions and more to optimize class time
  • Leverage your classroom set of TI-84 Plus graphing calculators to enhance classroom discussions
  • Increase communication and engagement with TI Connect™ CE Software and share student work
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Once the goals and objectives have been developed for a grant proposal, it is time to make projections about the future of the grant and the short-and-long-term outcomes that are expected -- and what this might cost.

This webinar, the third in a series of sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals, will focus on preparing a budget. Presenters will:

  • Describe typical budget development ideas
  • Highlight different types of financial documents often required for grant proposals
  • Show an example of a typical budget and reasons behind including expenditures in key areas
Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Brad Posnanski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do your students ever wonder if they have what it takes to become a professional football player? Join this webinar to explore a football-related activity investigating how player attributes relate to the position a player might play and the success of draft choices before they even begin practice. Learn where to get data on professional football players' height, weight, speed and other attributes that will be interesting to students and spark discussions about accuracy.

The presenter will:
  • Show how to put data in lists and make visual representations of the data including histograms and box plots
  • Discuss measure of center and measures of spread and how you can use those to analyze data
  • Explore outliers and how they affect the data set
Use this activity to engage students with their own chosen data sets, as they can analyze and compare player attributes from different teams, positions, and even students in their own classroom.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: John LaMaster, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how to use image files on the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to engage students in problem solving and making real world connections.

Presenters will:
  • Provide activities for the images that come pre-installed with your TI-84 Plus CE
  • Demonstrate how to create, upload and store custom images
  • Use mathematical modeling to analyze images
  • Combine math, art and animation with images to stimulate student creativity
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The needs statement in any grant is crucial to framing the entire grant proposal. This webinar, the second in a series of sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals, will focus on steps to writing a compelling needs statement.

  • Beginning the process of identifying problems or issues affecting student performance and describe why this is occurring
  • Presenting data that supports the existence of the problem
  • Proposing ways you feel a solution to this problem is important for your students’ needs and how this can be of interest to the funding source
Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Fan Disher
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? During this webinar, the presenters will focus on sound mathematical reasoning and the appropriate use of technology for some released AP® Calculus questions.

The presenters will examine technology skills students will be expected to use, including:
  • Limits – Using tables and graphs
  • Derivatives – Derivative at a Point
  • Derivatives – Examining the graph of the first or second derivative
  • Derivatives – Motion along a line and (BC) Parametric Equations
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI‑Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


In this webinar the presenters will work through carefully selected Paper 2 examination style questions using TI-Nspire technology. The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate accurate and efficient strategies in approaching examination questions. Topics to be covered will include algebra, functions, calculus and probability.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


In this webinar the presenters will work through carefully selected examination style questions using TI-Nspire technology. The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate accurate and efficient strategies in approaching examination questions. Topics to be covered will include statistics, calculus, normal distribution and financial mathematics.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate some useful short-cuts, address common student misconceptions and showcase strategies for effective GDC use. TI-Nspire skills incorporating the use of the store command, variables and table functionality will be demonstrated through applicable problems requiring the solution of equations and inequalities both numerically and graphically. Specific reference will be made to trigonometric functions and applications.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou

In this webinar, teachers will experience how TI-Nspire CX can be used to enhance student understanding of some important concepts covered in Topic 6: Mathematical Models and Topic 7: Introduction to Differential Calculus. In addition to showcasing learning activities relevant to these topics, tips for fluent TI-Nspire CX use will also be offered.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou

Duration: 1 hour

In this webinar, teachers will experience how TI-Nspire CX can be used to enhance student understanding of some important concepts covered in Topic 4: Vectors and Topic 5: Statistics and Probability with a particular focus on probability distributions. In addition to showcasing learning activities relevant to these topics, tips for fluent TI-Nspire CX use will also be offered.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Mr. Hilary Lai and Bozenna Graham

Duration: 1 hour

IB Paper 2 examination requires the use of graphing display calculators. In this webinar, the speaker will show you some useful techniques in handling examination questions using the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Bozenna Graham
Technology Proficiency Level: All

Tuesday, 21 February 2017 7:00 pm
Australia Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney, GMT+11:00)

This webinar includes: a review of basic features, both for class activities and exam preparation; what’s new the latest operating system; which features are not available in the PTT setting; why use Geometry more in our teaching and some short introductory activities that introduce new concepts.

TI-Nspire Series International Baccalaureate
Speakers: Audrey Cucci, JoAnn Miltenberg
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This session will focus on educational technology that motivates and encourages students to exceed their own expectations in the classroom. Come see how you can use the TI technology to motivate your students. See how you can used the flipped classroom model to encourage student participation. View online video platforms that hold students accountable. Inspire your students to be the teacher. Inspire them to push further than they thought they could.

TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you have an idea for a STEM project or another initiative but need a grant to get started? Attend this webinar to learn about opportunities for both large and small grants that can include technology, equipment and resources, expert speakers, student camps, parent programs and even community events. Receive a comprehensive list of grant sites and tips on how to make your grant proposal stand out.

This webinar is the first in a series of three sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals.

Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How your students talk about the endpoints of intervals matters on the AP® Calculus exam. In this webinar, AP® Calculus experts will discuss the use of TI technology to enhance student understanding of this tricky but crucial topic.

Presenters will:
  • Discuss increasing/decreasing, concavity and endpoints
  • Share insights from the exam scoring
  • Give tips on careful language
Presenters will use both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation,
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Linda Antinone, Cassie Whitecotton
Technology Proficiency Level: All
What is a concussion and what are the causes? What is the purpose of a helmet?

There is an increased awareness and concern about concussions, especially in sports. Presenters will discuss how students can use TI Nspire™ CX technology and Vernier probes to collect data to address this real world problem. They will show how to help students apply science and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on an object during a collision.

Join this webinar to learn more about:
  • Using TI-Nspire CX™ technology and Vernier data collection probes to investigate what materials reduce the impact of force on an object
  • Analyzing data in DataQuest using different techniques: Best-fit line, modeling, area under-a -curve
  • Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards Three Dimensional Learning model: Practices, Core Ideas and Cross-Cutting Concepts
Presenters will highlight real-world examples from their work with STEM students.

TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Ellen Browne, Brad Posnanski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Presenters will celebrate computer science week by discussing their insights from leading coding and STEM projects within their math classrooms. Experience the excitement of students engaging in challenging tasks that put STEM into practice.

Presenters will:
  • Highlight coding and STEM projects using the TI-Innovator™ Rover and TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI Launchpad™ Board
  • Discuss challenges and lessons learned
  • Share implementation strategies
Learn from their experiences so that you can incorporate these engaging activities using TI technology into your math classrooms.

TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Teaching Resources,
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, presenters will help you take flight! You are challenged to use math and science to take off and fly a virtual plane. You need just the right amount of velocity, but not too much, and you need just the right amount of lift to fly the plane. You can control your flaps and slats to determine the right amount of surface area for your wings.

The STEM on the Fly activity is rich in math and science. It’s a great cross-curricular lesson that will get kids pumped about flying and maybe even get them thinking about a career in aviation. This TI activity is available on both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Presenters will:
  • Share a STEM Behind Cool Careers activity
  • Explore force and how it’s related to flight
  • Show the connection between the math and science of flight
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Karen Campe, John La Master
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar will show how to foster inquiry in your classroom with images and apps that are pre-loaded on your TI-84 Plus family calculator.

Presenters will:
  • Showcase the pre-built images and develop mathematical models with the Manual-Fit line as well as QuickPlot and Fit Equation tools
  • Set the stage for rich learning contexts with the Transformation Graphing app
  • Explore other pre-loaded apps as time permits
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills,
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Janice Michener, Dennis Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will investigate the Mean Value Theorem (MVT) using TI graphing technology. Presenters will emphasize student opportunities to reason with definitions and theorems, utilizing both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation,
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among learners to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing approaches and arguments. In this webinar, presenters will discuss how one might implement and facilitate tasks that promote productive discussions to strengthen the teaching and learning of mathematics. They will explore types of tasks that encourage mathematical flexibility to show what students know in more than one way.

Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Rachael Gorsuch, Scott Keltner
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Simulation is perhaps the most effective pedagogical tool available for teaching probability, and using technology is at heart of this kind of simulation. In this webinar, presenters will explore many examples of using simulation to teach different probability topics with TI technology.

Presenters will:
  • Explore theoretical vs. experimental probability
  • Demonstrate examples of simulations of probabilities that are difficult to compute directly
  • Share activities that will engage students in creating simulations for these difficult-to-compute probabilities
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Karen Campe, Debbie Poss
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this continuation of the deep dive into the TI-84 Plus series, presenters will focus on using TI-84 Plus technology as a tool for inquiry while highlighting the following capabilities:
  • Using tables as dynamic tool to examine growth
  • Exploring patterns and trigonometry
  • Using the Cabri™ Jr. geometry app to explore invariants
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Bill Caroscio, Steve Phelps
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Inquiry implies posing interesting questions and/or problem scenarios for student investigation. Presenters will share two examples during this webinar:
  • To treasure hunt or not to treasure hunt, that is the question!
  • What results when a cube is sectioned? A rectangular prism?
This webinar is applicable for middle grades and high school math teachers as they facilitate inquiry in the classroom.

TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources,
Technology Skills
Speakers: Tom Dick, Dan Kennedy
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The study of average rates of change and slopes of lines begins early in a student’s math trajectory. Calculus begins the study of instantaneous rates of change, and zooming in on the graph of a differentiable function is an intuitive way to get at the corresponding idea of local slopes. The idea that a differentiable function behaves locally like a linear function is profound and important.

In this webinar, the leaders will:
  • Highlight the importance of differentiability as local linearity and zooming as a means of exploring the derivative at a point
  • Tie the application of local linearity to L’Hopital’s rule (new addition to the AB calculus course description)
  • Connect the local linearity idea to linear approximations, to slope fields and to Euler’s method
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Karen Campe, David Sword
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators has many powerful features. Whether you are a new or experienced user of the technology, this deep dive will introduce you to advanced capabilities of TI-84 Plus technology and how it can be used as a tool for inquiry.

This webinar will highlight:
  • Analyzing and interpreting graphs
  • Linking multiple representations using tables
  • Using graph styles to explore function families and piecewise functions
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills,
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Jeff Mc Calla, Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how the strategic use of TI technology contributes to student learning and demonstration of knowledge on the ACT® Exam. Join this webinar to:
  • Get tips for integrating TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology throughout your lessons to help your students understand the math concepts assessed on the ACT® Exam
  • Learn about the key areas of focus on the revised ACT® Exam
  • Discover strategies and activities to help make your students successful, both on the ACT® Exam and in your math classroom
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Veronica Carlson, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Financial literacy is an important life skill that can be addressed in any math class. The TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology have built in finance tools that can be used to help students better understand real-world financial implications. Presenters will demonstrate:
  • Time Value of Money (TVM solver) using both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Dynamic capabilities of TI-Nspire™ technology to explore different situations when variables change
  • Amortization tables using TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology
By the end of the webinar, you will be familiar with these finance tools using TI technology so that you can incorporate them into your lesson plans.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Katie England
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Whether you are new to TI-Nspire™ technology or an experienced user, this session will help you begin the school year with exciting ideas to engage students and enhance your teaching. The webinar will focus on:
  • Investigating graphing - functions, sequences and more
  • Using multiple representations to differentiate learning
  • Facilitating effective formative assessment
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Corey Boby
Technology Proficiency Level: All
As the school year begins, polish your TI technology skills to help your students develop a strong foundation of AP® Calculus concepts. In this session, AP® Calculus experts will focus on:
  • An introduction to the graphing app
  • Storing intersection value
  • Defining functions
  • Limit work with graphs
Presenters will demonstrate these topics using both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Speakers: Ruth Casey, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Over the last few years, there have been a number of significant updates to the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators. In this session, we will highlight and explore enhancements that are useful for new and experienced users. Learn from successful classroom teachers to discover how to:
  • Help students learn and explore middle grades and high school math concepts
  • Leverage your classroom set of TI-84 Plus graphing calculators to enhance classroom discussions
  • Explore TI-SmartView™ CE Emulator Software for TI-84 Plus graphing family and TI Connect™ CE software
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to construct searching and sorting algorithms. Explore how to model and solve computer science problems using linear and binary searches, as well as selection, insertion, merge, and quick sorts.

TI-Nspire Series Coding
Speakers: Alice Fisher, Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore classroom activities for teaching and learning computer science principles using Texas Instruments programming technology.

This webinar will focus on developing computational thinking practices, while learning fundamental computer science topics and structures (such as input/output, control, conditionals, loops, etc.).

Computer science activities and resources will be shared that can be incorporated into math or science classrooms and/or used with computer science classes, clubs, or programs.

Webinar presenters will:
  • Discuss computational thinking practices and fundamental computer science topics
  • Explore classroom activities for teaching and learning computer science, physical computing, and introductory robotics
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Speakers: Adam Pennell, Julie Riggins
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are you looking for fun and interactive activities to engage your students at the end of the year? This webinar will demonstrate two hands-on math activities that require students to think. Math, learning and fun, a good end-of-the-year combination.
  • Activity 1: Without regression, use quadratic and linear functions to model data from the flight of a model rocket
  • Activity 2: An introduction to coding that generates and then models the hailstone sequence
Presenters will demonstrate the activities using TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 Plus CE technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to manipulate text using string processing functions. Delve into how to concatenate, work with substrings, search strings and cast between data types in order to model and solve computer science problems.

TI-Nspire Series Coding
Speakers: Peter McLaren, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
With over 40 states adopting or developing three-dimensional state science educational standards based upon “A Framework for K–12 Science Education,” (National Research Council, 2012), the way science is taught and learned in our country is shifting significantly.

Webinar presenters will discuss how TI is working with educators to adapt traditional lessons by integrating the three dimensions to support students as they strive to explain phenomena and design solutions to problems.

This webinar will share with educators how they can use a "coaching template" to target evidence that educators would look for as students make their thinking visible through the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts.

Non Technology Focused NGSS
Speakers: Mike Koehler, Chris True
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? What are the expectations of the students' responses by the AP® Reader? During this webinar, presenters will review the TI technology allowed on the AP® Statistics Exam as well as expected guidelines for presenting their answers.

Using related AP® Statistics Exam questions, webinar presenters will examine the technology skills students will be expected to have mastered, including demonstration of:
  • Probability problems using technology
  • Technology tools involving normal distributions
  • Statistical Inference – Confidence Intervals using technology
  • Statistical Inference – Hypothesis Testing using technology
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to create user-defined functions and procedures, including recursive functions. Explore how to call functions within a program and trace, compare and use recursive algorithms in order to model and solve computer science problems.

TI-Nspire Series Coding
Speakers: Erick Archer, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
STEM clubs and coding camps are a great way to reach more students than just the ones you teach. Join this webinar to learn ideas and see examples of projects that will excite students on the future of STEM careers.

Presenters will give an overview of projects that utilize TI technology including TI-Innovator™ Hub as well as Vernier sensors, leveraging both TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-84 Plus CE technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session, we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to process data in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. Delve into how to index, traverse and augment arrays in order to model and solve computer science problems.

TI-Nspire Series Coding
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar will provide some helpful suggestions in preparing your AP® Calculus students to perform at their best on the upcoming exam. AP® Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader will share:
  • Technology Do's and Dont’s
  • Tips on communicating well on the free response questions
  • Time management strategies
This webinar appropriate for AP® Calculus teachers as well as students.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tom Steinke, Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover how to bring math to life and engage your students by putting math in motion using the TI-Innovator™ Rover, CBR 2™ motion sensor and TI-Nspire™ technology.

This session will cover:
  • Creating animated characters using functions and sliders
  • Using functions and coding to navigate a city (obstacle course) with the TI-Innovator™ Rover
  • Using the CBR 2™ motion sensor to avoid obstacles
This activity is appropriate for middle grades math, algebra I, algebra II and geometry students.

TI-Nspire Series,
TI-Innovator Rover™
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Ray Barton, Landy Godbold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “How likely could this event occur by chance?” Two-way tables, graphical representations and chi-squared distributions can help students answer this question in many contexts. TI technology can be a powerful tool to help students see and interact with these concepts.

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Show how to create interactive two-way tables and their associated bar graphs
  • Use these interactive tables and graphs to help students understand conditional probabilities
  • Demonstrate technology tools that calculate probabilities involving chi-squared distributions
  • Discuss related AP* questions
Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Tom Reardon, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Real world topics bring math to life in your classroom. The prescription drug addiction epidemic provides an opportunity to address a major world problem and look at potential solutions.

Webinar presenters will demonstrate a mathematical modeling activity on the opioid epidemic appropriate for middle grades and high school math students. The activity uses real-world data and covers such topics as percent increase and regression equations in piece wise functions.

Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire handheld devices during this webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tammy Casey, Robyn Poulsen
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover new ways to celebrate Pi Day in your math classroom. T³™ Instructors will demonstrate fun Pi-related activities for students in grades 6-12.

This webinar will focus on calculating Pi by using:
  • Geometry pages for middle grades and high school
  • Data points to fill lists and spreadsheets
  • Basic programing on both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices
  • Additional activities to excite your students
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question “How likely could this event occur by chance?” Understanding patterns in sampling distributions of sampling means and in particular the Central Limit Theorem can help students answer this question in many contexts. TI technology can be a powerful tool to help students see and interact with these patterns.

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Show how to create and display sampling distributions of sample means
  • Use activities that help students discover patterns in sampling distributions of sample means
  • Demonstrate TI technology tools that calculate probabilities involving normal distributions
  • Discuss related AP* questions
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar highlights “TI in Focus: AP* Calculus,” a collection of free resources designed for AP* Calculus teachers. Join this webinar to learn more about these resources, which include videos that address:
  • All of the released 2017 free response AB and BC questions, highlighting scoring results and student difficulties
  • How to use these questions as teaching tools in the classroom, including extensions to the questions that use technology to reinforce concepts
  • Additional mathematical background on question topics and technology tips for using either TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology to illustrate them in the classroom
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources,
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Once the goals and objectives have been developed for a grant proposal, it is time to make projections about the future of the grant and the short-and-long-term outcomes that are expected – and what this might cost.

Budget costs should be in direct proportion to grant expectations. The budget provides the financial picture of how the grant funds would help to accomplish the goals and objectives listed in the proposal. It should reflect all of the various aspects of the grant: who will be working on the grant; travel expenses; materials, supplies and equipment needed, etc. It will include all expenditures of cash and, if needed for the proposal, all in-kind services.

In this session, the presenters will:
  • Describe typical budget development ideas devices
  • Highlight different types of financial documents often required for grant proposals
  • Show an example of a typical budget and reasons behind including expenditures in key areas
This is the third webinar in a three-part series on grant writing. In case you missed the first two webinars, focused on funding resources and preparing a needs statement, you can watch them on-demand.

Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Sam Gough, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How might we support productive struggle in learning mathematics? How might using activities that provide for visualization and conceptual development of mathematics help students think deeply about mathematical ideas and relationships?

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Explore how TI technology can be used to promote productive struggle
  • Discuss tasks that promote opportunities for students to engage in productive struggle
  • Highlight how students can solve tasks and use multiple representations to deepen mathematics understanding
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Becky Byer, Steve Phelps, Becky Underwood
Technology Proficiency Level: All
From quarterback passing data to the cost of commercials, The Big Game offers a multitude of opportunities to engage your students. Join this session to explore Big Game-related activities applicable for Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry using TI technology. Presenters will be using both TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 CE technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Corey Boby
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The AP* Calculus course requires students to have an in-depth understanding of rate of change. However, the foundation of the concept of rate of change should be introduced to students early in their mathematics education. Students’ understanding of rate of change should evolve all the way from middle school up to and including calculus.

In this webinar, experts serving on the AP* Calculus Development Committee and Readers for the AP* Calculus exam will focus on using TI technology – both the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology – to demonstrate how to:
  • Explore rate of change using numbers, tables, graphs and equations
  • Investigate and model applications of rate of change using TI-technology
  • Appropriately integrate technology to enhance student understanding of rate of change at various levels
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Ray Barton, Mike Koehler
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, "How likely could this event occur by chance?" The ability to carry out simulations, allowing students to experience statistical models in the context of probability rather than formulas, can lead to greater insight. Well-designed simulations can help students achieve an in-depth understanding of the way statistics operate.

During this webinar, the presenters will discuss how to:
  • Develop simulations using the built-in functionality of TI handheld devices
  • Develop simulations using multiple steps linked in a coherent manner
  • Use activities to show how simulations relate to statistical concepts, including hypothesis tests as well as Type I and Type II errors
  • Use AP® questions to drive the discussion of simulation
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The needs statement in any grant is crucial to framing the entire grant proposal. This webinar will encourage attendees to:
  1. Begin the process of identifying problems or issues affecting student performance and describe reasons this is occurring;
  2. Present data that supports the existence of the problem; and
  3. Propose the ways you feel a solution to this problem is important for your students’ needs and how this can be of interest to the funding source.

Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Linda Antinone, Kyle Atkin, Linda Griffith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Increasing levels of student engagement is one of the keys to improving student learning. Join this webinar to explore teaching strategies that take advantage of TI handheld technology and have the potential to increase student engagement and foster student-centered learning.

Examples of student work will be shared from eighth grade math, algebra I, geometry and precalculus, with discussion about the teaching strategies used to motivate and facilitate student learning.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you have an idea for a STEM project or another initiative, but you need a grant to get started? Attend this webinar to learn about large and small grant opportunities that can include technology, equipment and resources, expert speakers, student camps, parent programs, and even community events. Receive a comprehensive list of grant sites and tips on how to make your grant proposal stand out.

Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Gloria Barrett, Landy Godbold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” This is especially true in formal inference. Reference distributions provide the basis for addressing that question.

Presenters will:
  • Relate the need for reference distributions to the logic of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals
  • Explore both theoretical and simulation-based reference distributions based on AP* items
  • Show how the functionality of TI technology can enhance the understanding of reference distributions
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

TI-84 Plus family,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Erick Archer, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Today’s students will be tomorrow’s problem-solvers. Join us to see how the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board can be used to engage students in relevant problem-solving situations. In this webinar, we’ll explore how to effectively manage a limited water supply during a drought. In the context of this scenario, this session will focus on:
  • Designing and building a smart watering system to manage a limited amount of water collected in a cistern to irrigate a garden
  • Exploring frameworks for teaching concepts in science, mathematics, engineering and computer programming
TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Johnny Ashurst, Steve Phelps
Mathematical modeling serves as a bridge between conceptual understanding and application, and geometry equips students with a range of tools for developing effective mathematical models. Join us to see how viewing problems through a geometric lens can help students analyze relationships, evaluate and interpret results, and draw mathematical conclusions. This session will focus on:
  • Using TI-Nspire™ technology to construct, analyze and transform interactive geometric objects
  • Exploring 3-D graphing capability to create geometric models and think critically about them
  • Enhancing students’ spatial reasoning skills by developing the importance of clarifying questions
TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Modeling
Speakers: Tracy Watson, Don Worcester
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” Probability provides a way to measure how “typical” something is and provides a language for describing uncertainty. Sample space and event are “duals” of population and statistic. Formulas for combining random variables explain inference standard error formulas for differences.

Presenters will:
  • Relate key concepts of probability to corresponding concepts in statistics
  • Examine probability as a long-run measurement
  • Illustrate how technology can be used to determine probabilities through direct calculation and through simulations
  • Investigate calculation and interpretation of expected values
  • Discuss measures for random variables formed by combining other random variables
  • Relate each of these concepts to the AP* testing experience
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Betty Gasque
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The TI-Nspire™ activity that launched STEM Behind Hollywood and spread through classrooms like a virus has jumped species and is now available for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. Both activities provide students with an inside look at the math and science real-life epidemiologists use to track and curb the spread of diseases through a population. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring geometric progressions, interpreting data and making predictions
  • Understanding the function of various parts of the human brain
  • Investigating and discussing factors dealing with immunity and vaccines
Presenters will demonstrate the lesson using both TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 Plus CE Technology.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Its baseball playoff season, and what better way to get your students excited about learning than examining the math behind a home run? Join this webinar to explore a new baseball activity for the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. In this webinar, Tom Reardon, the activity author, will:
  • Demonstrate the mathematical modeling of when a baseball is hit, including adjustments for wind
  • Explore multiple scenarios both algebraically and graphically so that students can confirm answers are “in the ball park”
  • Highlight using linear and quadratic equations in the solutions
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” But “typical” depends on how much variability is in the system. Well-chosen data collection procedures can help manage variability; good design is crucial. GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Presenters will:
  • Examine the two main types of inference and the main obstacle each must overcome (bias and confounding)
  • Demonstrate why random sampling and random allocation are kinds of “insurance”
  • Use activities to illustrate when, how and why more complex data-collection procedures such as stratification and blocking may be beneficial
  • Show good data-collection procedures using visual, technology-based activities and AP* questions
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Curtis Brown, Becky Byer
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Come see the latest from TI Education Technology, the TI-Innovator Rover. Whether you teach middle grades or high school mathematics, join us to learn about TI technology tools to engage Generation STEM and convert students’ curiosity into understanding. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring basic programming in the context of engineering design to improve computational thinking
  • Connecting learning across science, technology, engineering and mathematics using function transformations and coding
  • Creating engaging STEM experiences that develop students’ abilities to collaborate, think creatively and solve problems using the TI-Innovator Rover
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Karen Campe, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematical concepts can be etched in students’ minds when they have the opportunity to construct their own understanding. Join us to learn strategies for leveraging action-consequence activities for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to lead students down the path of discovery. This session will focus on:
  • Performing mathematical actions with technology and asking targeted questions to optimize students’ reasoning
  • Exploring classroom-ready, dynamic activities with multiple representations that build concepts in algebra, geometry and precalculus
  • Engaging your students in productive discussions that promote higher-level thinking and support mathematical practices and process standards
TI-84 Plus Series
Speakers: Curtis Brown, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Color theory can be a fun and effective way to mix some science into your middle grades mathematics classroom. Whether you’re using TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ CX technology, join us to explore a colorful and engaging application of ratios. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring the additive property of light (RGB) and the subtractive property of pigment (CMY), with a comparison of mixing colors in light or in pigment
  • Examining how ratios work and comparing ratios within the context of mixing paint colors
  • Applying students’ understanding of ratios to scale drawings while exploring how STEM concepts can be used in art and painting
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Robin Levine-Wissing
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” Well-chosen graphs can help answer that question. What kinds of graphs, and what features of those graphs, are useful? What are some limitations of statistical graphs?

During this webinar, the first in a series of AP* Statistics sessions, presenters will:
  • Develop key concepts related to choosing and interpreting univariate and bivariate graphical displays
  • Relate those concepts to the AP* testing experience
  • Demonstrate how technology-based activities can facilitate exploration and enhance understanding
  • Guide participants in the use of TI technology tools for graphing, exploration and answering questions about variability (i.e., "What's typical?")
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Howard Stern, Lisa Suarez
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Writing a winning grant proposal is the key component to obtain funding, but competing for grant dollars can be a challenge. Whether you are seeking technology for your classroom or want to fund a district-wide initiative, join two experienced grant writers to gain insight on how to develop a winning proposal and bring your vision to life. This session will focus on:
  • Proven strategies for successfully crafting a goal-oriented proposal
  • Mapping objectives and milestones, along with how they will be evaluated
  • Sustaining the project after the funding ends, including the roll of professional development
Non Technology Focused Grant Writing
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Jump-start your school year with calculus resources to support instruction and develop students’ conceptual understanding. Join two AP* Calculus Question Leaders to see how TI technology can enhance the “Big Ideas” in the AP* Calculus Framework and encourage students to engage in the Mathematical Practices for AP* Calculus (MPACs). This session will focus on:
  • Developing students’ understanding of limits, derivatives, integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Encouraging students to connect concepts through multiple representations and notational fluency
  • Practical instructional approaches to support mastery of calculus content and skills
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Tom Dick, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All

Join us for a discussion on strategies for engaging students in new ways of visualizing and thinking about expressions and equations. Learn about a free lesson series focused on building conceptual understanding of these tough-to-learn, tough-to-teach topics in middle grades math.

  • Tom Dick, an author of the Building Concepts lesson series, will share his perspectives on the intent of the lessons, highlight the vertical connections and corresponding professional development
  • Dan Ilaria, an author of the Building Concepts professional development series, will share how he is using these lessons with his pre-service teachers
  • You’ll also learn how to access Texas Instruments resources supporting middle grades mathematics teachers
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Todd Graba, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
If you want to inspire the next generation of innovators and inventors, then the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board is a great place to start. Join us to learn how the TI-Innovator™ Hub extends the functionality of TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator and TI-Nspire™ CX technology to make coding and engineering design accessible to middle grades and high school students. This session will focus on:
  • Introducing the basics of coding to build students’ critical-thinking skills and deepen their understanding of STEM concepts
  • Writing programs to control the built-in LED light and speaker on the TI-Innovator™ Hub
  • Exploring the principles of engineering design with TI-Innovator™ Hub projects

TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Skills
Speakers: Sean Bird, Gosia Brothers
Technology Proficiency Level: All
There’s no better time to sharpen your TI-Nspire™ technology skills than the back-to-school season. Whether you’re new to TI-Nspire™ technology or have been using it for years, chances are there are some handy tips and tricks that can be added to your TI-Nspire™ toolkit. This session will highlight:
  • Exploring mathematical relationships with dynamic measurements, calculations and linked variables to help students make connections across multiple representations
  • Creating lessons with sliders and conditional statements to engage students in tough-to-teach, tough-to-learn concepts
  • Using interactive math boxes to explore input/output relationships by evaluating mathematical expressions and commands
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Ruth Casey, Margo Mankus
Technology Proficiency Level: All
There’s no better time to sharpen your TI-84 Plus technology skills than the back-to-school season. Whether you’re new to the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators or have been using this technology for years, chances are there are some handy tips and tricks that can be added to your TI-84 Plus toolkit. This session will highlight using:
  • Editing tricks to connect home screen investigations to Y= to graph
  • The Transformation Graphing app as an investigation tool for family of functions
  • Piecewise function entry to support connections between analytic and graphical representations
  • What’s new with the TI-84 Plus CE classroom solution – using TI-SmartView™ CE Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus graphing family and TI Connect™ CE software application to support classroom management
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
How might we take action on current best practices and research in learning and assessment? How do we make sense of new ideas and learn how to apply them in our own practice? Presenters will:
  • Share examples of insights from today’s educational leaders
  • Discuss how they have experienced an impact on learning from these ideas
  • Recommend actions and resources to consider for your classroom
Non Technology Focused Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Tom Reardon, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
See how your students can Play-Investigate-Explore-Discover reflections, translations, rotations and dilations – and their properties – quickly and deeply. Using these transformational geometry activities for TI-Nspire™ CX technology, teachers and students can spend their time doing the math, discovering and developing the concepts. Minimal preparation time is needed for these immediate interactive investigations.

TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Marc Garneau, Todd Graba
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The ability to read, write and understand computer coding is becoming an essential skill for future job markets. T³™ Instructors will show how easy it is to learn coding through the TI technology you and your students already have, along with powerful new products such as the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board and its STEM* components.

Join the webinar to focus on 10 Minutes of Code activities for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-Nspire™ CX CAS technology, and extensions to the TI-Innovator™ Hub for middle grades and high school STEM courses and STEM camps.

*Science, technology, engineering and math

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is the second in a two-part series focused on AP* Calculus Exam success. AP* Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader will share additional question scoring tips and important exam-taking strategies. Appropriate for both students and teachers to attend, this webinar addresses:
  • Advice for open response questions
  • More scoring of open response questions
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • How to avoid “saying too much”
  • Last minute preparation tips
If you missed the April 6 session, you can access the archived webinar here.

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Fred Fotsch, Stacy Thibadeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The Path to STEM* Projects series of activities challenges students to learn the science concepts that support engineering skills development. This webinar will focus on:
  • Enabling students to synthesize, build and understand unique projects of their own creation
  • Providing an overview of six skill builders in the Path the STEM Projects
  • Creating excitement in your classroom using the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board
*Science, technology, engineering and math

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Angie Slicker
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Is there more to the mathematical story for ratios and proportional reasoning? As we implement new standards, how can we be sure that we are using effective models and examples to build a coherent understanding of these concepts in the middle grades?

Join us as we discuss how we changed our approach to teaching these topics by first deepening our own understanding of ratios and proportions. Learn how educators are using TI-Nspire™ technology and the free Building Concepts lessons to enhance visualization in support of learning.

This webinar will focus on:
  • Classroom implementation experiences from a teacher using Building Concepts lessons
  • Perspective gained while presenting Building Concepts professional development materials
  • How to access Texas Instruments resources supporting middle grades mathematics teachers
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Building Concepts
Speakers: Erick Archer, Dr. Ann Schlemper
Technology Proficiency Level: All
You can engage students even as young as grade three in STEAM* activities using TI graphing technology and the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board. In this webinar, presenters will show you how to:
  • Teach students how to do graphic design using simple TI Basic programming skills
  • Bring out the art by programming your handhelds to interact with the TI-Innovator™ Hub to create a light show with varying colors or play a piece of music
  • Entice students with engineering by programming the handhelds to control stepper motors with the TI-Innovator™ Hub
The STEAM possibilities are endless with TI's newest piece of teaching and learning technology.

*Science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Learn strategies for taking and being successful on the AP* Calculus Exam from AP* Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader. Question scoring and important test-taking strategies will be shared. This webinar, the first in a two-part series, is appropriate for both students and teachers to attend. The session will focus on:
  • The AP* Calculus Exam format
  • Advice for multiple choice questions
  • Appropriate use of your TI technology
  • Scoring of open response questions
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Chris True
The College Board* requires students taking the AP** Statistics exam to utilize a graphing calculator. This webinar will focus on essential TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculator skills that are an integral part of student learning and conceptual understanding for success on the exam. Topics to be covered include:
  • Graphing (histograms, box plots, scatter plots)
  • Summary statistics
  • Linear regression
  • Probability calculations (normal, binomial, etc.)
  • Statistical inference
*College Board is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production or development of TI products.

**AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production or development of TI products.

TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Series is the fourth “Big Idea” in the revised AP* BC Calculus course description. This webinar will include examples of how TI technology can be used for instruction of series. Panelists will share insights and strategies focused on:
  • Convergence and divergence of series
  • Alternating series
  • Taylor polynomials and Maclaurin series
  • Power series
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI¹s Building Concepts series engages students in a progression of focused content meant to enhance students’ conceptual knowledge through highly interactive activities. In this webinar, T³™ Instructors will explore Building Concepts activities and discuss examples to show how the series has been developed to be a different way of thinking about teaching and learning critical middle grades content.

TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Kara Leaman, Tracy Wingert
Engage your students in mathematics with real-world experiences through the sports in which they participate: a tennis serve, shot put, a baseball/softball player at bat, shooting baskets... How can students use parabolas to predict success? This webinar will focus on:
  • Bringing mathematics to life by connecting it to sports using TI technology
  • Showcasing lessons applicable to algebra I or algebra II
  • Providing resources you can use immediately in your classrooms
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Jessica Kohout, JoAnn Miltenberg
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Sometimes we don’t realize just how pervasive STEM* is, that it is infused in all aspects of our everyday life. In fact, many other subjects rely on skills traditionally considered STEM skills or STEM habits of mind, such as problem solving, analysis and collaboration. In this webinar, learn from T³™ Instructors who will:
  • Show how such topics as photography, music and gardening have elements of STEM that can help students develop 21st century learning skills
  • Demonstrate how to incorporate non-traditional STEM activities into your math or science classroom
  • Highlight resources available to help you provide real-world relevance to math and science concepts
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tom Dick, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Integration and differential equation problems often appear in the AP* Calculus curriculum. Students can investigate these topics using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. AP* Calculus Readers, who also serve as T³™ Instructors, will share strategies for teaching the following topics using TI technology:
  • Accumulation functions
  • Rate in/rate out problems
  • Slope fields
  • Differential equations
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Dr. Tim Kanold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
What does it mean to become a fully formed professional educator, teacher and leader? How does technology play a role in this? How can you leverage and build into your community to help you? In this webinar, mathematics education leader Timothy Kanold, Ph.D., will provide insight into these questions as he introduces his new book, “HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader” (Solution Tree Press, Mid-March 2017).

Teaching Resources
Speakers: Johnny Ashurst, Rachel Gorsuch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematical modeling is hot catchphrase in education right now. What exactly is mathematical modeling though? This webinar will give a quick introduction to the big ideas of mathematical modeling and will share a classroom-tested lesson using TI-Nspire™ CX technology. Attend this webinar to explore:
  • What mathematical modeling looks and sounds like
  • The role of TI technology in mathematical modeling
  • Using mathematical modeling to enhance students’ conceptual understanding through real-world application
TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Modeling
Speakers: Corey Boby, Tracy Watson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The AP* Calculus curriculum addresses applying the integral to contextual problems. Students may use TI technology, including the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology, to explore these types of problems. AP* Calculus Readers will share examples of student work. Topics covered in this webinar will include:
  • Area and volume
  • Particle motion problems
  • Average value of a function problems
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Ellen Browne, Dr. Stephen Arnold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
"Music is the mathematics of one who does not know that he is counting." – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

Join this webinar for an exploration – both historical and mathematical – of the harmonic mean, which connects the various branches of mathematics and integrates mathematics with other disciplines including music. T³™ Instructors will demonstrate classroom applications to illustrate this concept using TI-Nspire™ CX technology and the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, as well as the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Landy Godbold, Gail Burrill
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematics educators in middle grades and high school face the tough task of incorporating elements of statistics into their curriculum. At its crux, statistics is all about variability, or noise. By developing an understanding of distributions and simulation, this allows students to make sense of information in light of variability, or in the presence of noise.

Distributions make it possible to describe variability and interpret data, and simulations give us a picture of what typical variability looks like. Together, these are the foundations for inference. Join statistics experts as they demonstrate several examples that apply these ideas using TI technology, with an eye toward meaning in context across the grade levels.

TI-Nspire Series Content Knowledge
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC) is a frequently tested concept in AP* Calculus. Students need to be able to recognize and solve problems involving the FTC. In this session, T³™ National Instructors who are also AP* Calculus Readers will share their insights for teaching FTC using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. This webinar will address:
  • The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Area function problems
  • Strategies for helping students achieve success
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Dr. Matthew Larson, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Hear from NTCM President Matthew Larson, Ph.D., as he introduces the book, “Balancing the Equation: A Guide to School Mathematics for Educators and Parents.” This webinar will kick off a six-week “slow chat” book study on Twitter. T³™ Instructor Kim Thomas will provide an overview of the book study and let you know how to get engaged in this important discussion about the state of mathematics in education today.

Then join Dr. Larson in person – along with co-author and mathematics education leader Dr. Timothy Kanold – at the T³™ International Conference in March, where they will discuss essential actions for the school community regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Corey Boby, Tracy Watson
Level: All

Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is one of the four “Big Ideas” in the revised AP* Calculus course description. A common method for introducing integrals is through Riemann sums. In this session, T³™ National Instructors who also serve as AP* Calculus Readers will share teaching strategies for helping students visualize Riemann sums using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. This session will address:
  • Riemann sums methods and TI technology
  • Calculating definite integrals
  • An introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Curtis Brown, Tom Reardon
Level: All

There is a buried treasure located somewhere on the family’s property. A pair of geometry students find a cryptic message that launches them on the treasure hunt using algebra, geometry and cryptology. During this webinar, presenters introduce a new STEM Behind Hollywood math activity and show how the students use TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-84 Plus CE technology to:
  • Decipher the code
  • Plot ordered pairs and write equations of lines
  • Employ dynamic geometry and an interactive program to construct the circumcenter of the triangle created by the three lines
Discover how the student finds the treasure!

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tom Dick, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

This webinar continues our Oct. 20 discussion addressing AP* Calculus topics involving applications of the derivative. In this session, T³™ Instructors with AP* experience will share more examples of applying the derivative to contextual problems using TI technology. Topics to be addressed include:
  • Optimization
  • Related rate problems
  • Parametric equations (BC topic only)
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Todd Morstein, Cassie Whitecotton
Level: All

Are you interested in knowing more about the Engineering Design Process and employing it in the science classroom? Learn how you can take advantage of TI-Nspire™ CX technology interfacing with the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI Launchpad™ Board to incorporate the Engineering Design Process into your science classroom. This webinar will highlight middle grades lessons that focus on topics such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration and uniform motion that will engage your students in new and exciting ways. See how your students can design and build models that interface with TI technology to explore these topics like never before.

TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Audrey Cucci, Josh Mize
Level: All

Excite your students with the mathematics surrounding motion. Using the Calculator Based Ranger (CBR 2™) with either your TI-Nspire™ or TI-84 Plus technology allows your students to get out of their seats and experience the mathematics involving distance and time. In particular, kinesthetic learners will see the connections between the graphs and their movements. This session will focus on:
  • Increasing relevance using real world data to study piece wise function in algebra I
  • Using data collection devices (CBR 2™) to model sinusoidal function in the algebra II curriculum
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Data Collection
Speakers: Katie England, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Developing students’ understanding of Expressions & Equations requires instruction that helps them make sense of abstract ideas. TI-Nspire™ interactive technology and visual approach along with well-constructed learning experiences that draw strong connections among topics provide the foundation for success. This session will focus on:
  • Key learning experiences that build student understanding in Expressions & Equations
  • Assessing student understanding
  • Exploring how TI-Nspire™ supports students in forming deep understanding
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Sherri Abel, Kathy Hale
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Catch your students’ attention using engaging TI-84 Plus activities that bring real-world data to sometimes hard-to-grasp concepts for middle grades and high school mathematics students. This session will focus on the “Mystery of the Ocelot and the Agouti” and two additional TI-84 Plus activities that:
  • Use data to drive instruction and engage students
  • Integrate real data to teach students how to curve fit
  • Incorporate graphs to answer thought-provoking questions
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Fred Fotsch, Ellen Browne
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, participants will learn how to take control of the TI-Innovator™ Hub and make engaging and authentic STEM projects for their classes. This webinar will demonstrate how the new TI-Innovator™ Hub works, how to connect it to the TI-84 Plus CE and how to control it using a TI Basic program running on their device of choice. In addition, example activities will be demonstrated ranging from getting started to more advanced. The TI-Innovator™ Hub promises to open up a whole new world of engagement in both the math and science classes.

TI-Innovator™ Hub,
TI-84 Plus Series
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Cassie Whitecotton, Erick Archer
Level: All

Join us for a SPOOKtakular webinar. We’ll be introducing a new STEM Behind Hollywood activity with a Halloween twist that will have your students engaged and wanting more. We have lots of tricks up our sleeves, as this will be a treat for all attendees.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Cassie Whitecotton, Erick Archer
Level: All

Join us for a SPOOKtakular webinar. We’ll be introducing a new STEM Behind Hollywood activity with a Halloween twist that will have your students engaged and wanting more. We have lots of tricks up our sleeves, as this will be a treat for all attendees.

TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Level: All

Students may take AP* Calculus Exams using calculators with Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) such as TI-Nspire™ CX CAS technology. CAS can be used to assist students in making conjectures and verifying properties. In this webinar, T³™ National Instructors will share ideas for using CAS to:
  • Develop derivative and anti-derivative rules
  • Perform the four approved AP* Calculus calculator operations in a CAS environment versus a non-CAS environment
  • Use CAS to investigate connections between graphical, symbolic and numeric representations
  • Discuss how AP* type questions are written with CAS in mind
TI-Nspire Series Computer Algebra Systems (CAS)
Speakers: Jackie Bonneau, Judy Day
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

If you’ve been thinking of using sensors in your TI-84 Plus math or science classroom, this webinar is a must-attend. Learn how to use TI-SmartView CE Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus to create hands-on data collection experiences for your students. This session will focus on:
  • Collecting and analyzing data with sensors and TI-SmartView™ CE
  • Creating labs that incorporate screenshots and graphs of the data you collect
  • Using TI-SmartView™ CE as a teacher tool to create dynamic labs and worksheets
TI-84 Plus family Data Collection
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Dr. Kristi Egland
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

As we approach Breast Cancer Awareness Month, STEM Behind Health will connect students to valuable classroom math and science content and allow them to explore current research and careers associated with seeking personal cures to breast cancer. This webinar will focus on:
  • The STEM Behind Health activity, “Breast Cancer: When Good DNA Goes Bad,” and the genetics and exponential growth associated with cancer cells
  • Careers in medicine and research associated with the real world of cancer research
  • An introduction to the concepts of genetic mutations and precision medicine as it pertains to cancer diagnostics and treatment
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tracy Watson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The AP* Calculus course requires students to master the foundational concept of the derivative. In this webinar, experts serving on the AP* Calculus Development Committee and readers for the AP* Calculus exam will focus on using TI technology – both the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ CX technology – to demonstrate how to:
  • Use limits and secant lines to develop the notion of the derivative at a point
  • Investigate the relationship between a function and its derivative using graphs
  • Explore the derivative as a function using graphs
  • Learn how AP type questions involving the derivative might be scored

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Tammy Casey, Robyn Poulsen
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Looking for more time with your students? The flipped classroom may help you find the time you need. This webinar will focus on:
  • Strategies for developing flipped lessons
  • Suggestions for in-class and out-of-class activities using TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Identifying opportunities for rich tasks in and out of the math and science classroom
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Corey Boby, Beth Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Looking for ways to better prepare your students for taking exams using TI technology? This webinar will focus on effective test taking strategies for your students using TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology. In addition to general test taking strategies and hints, this session will highlight using TI technology to:
  • Save time and avoid mistakes
  • Understand the reasonableness of an answer
  • Explore answer choices
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Texas Instruments opens a new series of activities investigating the STEM Behind Sports. Each activity challenges your students to think critically about practical applications of science, technology, engineering and math.

This webinar will introduce two new activities:
  • First, tackle a graphical investigation of the success of a winning field goal and confirm the investigation algebraically. Consider the rush of the defense and the length of the kick while investigating activities appropriate for middle grades and algebra I up through and including algebra II and pre-calculus using the TI-84 CE.
  • Next, compete in a virtual triathlon, using TI-Nspire™ CX technology, in an effort to understand the concepts of work, energy and power at a physical science level.
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Teaching Resources
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

One of the mathematics teaching practices from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM’s) Principles to Actions is to support productive struggle in learning mathematics.

This webinar will focus on:
  • Providing #SlowMath opportunities for all students to notice and question
  • Activities for visualization and conceptual development of fractions, ratios and equations
  • Exploring how TI technology can promote productive struggle
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Matt Owens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Mathematics is a universal discipline that is applied in a multitude of careers, sports and hobbies. Yet, math is often viewed as a set of steps that should be memorized, rather than a language that is used to solve problems of all magnitudes. From finding the perfect angle at which to kick a soccer ball to make a goal, to calculating the rate at which a disease spreads through a population, math is essential to the decisions we make every day. As we are tasked with preparing students for college and careers, how might we inspire them to think differently about the math that can be used to explain their world and to solve problems?

This session will focus on empowering students to:
  • Tackle challenges using problem-solving skills and their TI technology
  • Evaluate, analyze and explain the math behind their favorite topics
  • Explore a variety of careers and the math that makes them possible
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Sean Bird, Elena Smirnova, Gosia Brothers
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Have you heard about the latest features for the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld and TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ system? Join us for this webinar to get an insider’s look at TI-Nspire™ technology from a member of the development team as well as a T³™ Instructor.

This webinar will focus on the new features that provide a wow factor, as well as improve ease-of-use, including:
  • Relation Graphing – Easily graph vertical lines, conics in any form, and much more
  • Automatic Sliders in Graphs – Learn to graph f(x) = m*x+b or other general form equations and observe their behavior upon change of parameters and add these interactive features to manipulate graphs with just a few easy key strokes
  • Sliders in Notes – Explore analytic and numeric patterns, or with TI-Nspire™ CAS, even algebraic patterns, with an easy motion
  • Easy Access to Math Actions – Contextual menu options guide investigations of math expressions and ensure correct use of math commands
  • Graphing from Notes and Calculator – Graph your favorite functions directly from where you define them
Plus, see what's new with the TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ system to help with Press-to-Test, configuring handheld settings, and other classroom management functionality.

TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Margo Mankus, Deborah Poss
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Get an insider’s look at features of the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator family – designed to enhance teaching and learning - from a member of the product development team as well as a T³™ Instructor.

Whether you are new to the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator family or a veteran user looking to advance your TI technology skills, join us for this webinar to gain insight into TI-84 Plus features which support investigations and discoveries, as well as exam prep. This webinar will focus on:
  • Graph-Table Mode – Analytic, numeric and graph (plots) all in one view
  • Interactive Draw features – Drawing horizontal and vertical lines and much more
  • Inequality Graphing App – Enhancing Y= with relation graphing
  • Using the Boolean features to graph number lines and piecewise functions
  • How to set calculators for exams
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Level: All

L’Hopitals Rule uses derivatives to help evaluate limits involving indeterminate forms, and is now included in the AP* Calculus Course and Exam Description for 2016-2017. To support your TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ Technology implementation, this session will focus on:
  • Developing the basic rule of evaluating indeterminate forms
  • Exploring AP* type questions and how students should answer them
  • Learning how AP* type questions involving L’Hopital’s Rule might be scored

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. Visit

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge
Speakers: Marc Garneau, John Hanna
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Get your students excited about coding with TI-Nspire™ handhelds, software and apps for iPad®. This webinar introduces you to the built-in programming editor and will cover “the basics:” statement structure, keywords, programs and functions, as well as some control structures including conditional statements and loops. The presenters will also introduce the new “10 Minutes of Code” activities for TI-Nspire™ technology: short, easy-to-master lessons that include everything beginners need to succeed. This programming capability makes an ideal companion for the new AP* Computer Science Principles course where the programming language and platform is determined by the teacher.

TI-Nspire Series Coding
Speakers: Jeff Mathews, Stephanie Ogden
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Join us for an inspiring conversation about the administrator’s role as a catalyst for building a dynamic STEM program. We will share insights on the effective leader’s impact on overcoming the challenges of preparing students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This session will focus on:
  • Strategies for developing STEM habits of mind to promote college readiness and interest in STEM careers
  • Identifying curricular areas with opportunities for rich STEM tasks
  • Exploring how TI technology and professional development can support the successful implementation of STEM programs
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Implementation
Speakers: Ruth Casey, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Did you know that you can customize students’ learning with free, interactive graphing calculator apps for the TI-84 Plus family? Many math and science apps are pre-loaded on your TI-84, and all you need to further extend its functionality is the free TI Connect™ CE connectivity software. This session will focus on:
  • Performing simulations and collecting random data with the Probability Simulation app.
  • Exploring the Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver app
  • Investigating circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas with the Conic Graphing apps
  • Enhancing Y= Function mode graphing with the Inequality Graphing App and Transformation Graphing App
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Expressions and equations provide an important conceptual bridge between middle grades and high school mathematics. Join us to learn how Building Concepts engages students in a progression of focused TI Nspire™ lessons to target misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of expressions and equations. This session will focus on:
  • Connecting expressions and equations through a coherent story within and across Grades 6, 7, and 8
  • Leveraging TI-Nspire™ technology to enhance visualization in support of learning
  • Implementing effective teaching practices to support developing concepts
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Join Vicki Carter, co-chair of the 2015-2016 AP* Calculus Development Committee, and Steve Kokoska, the 2012-2015 Chief Reader, as they discuss strategies to prepare your students for the AP* Calculus Exam using TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology. This session will focus on:
  • Examining recent AP* Calculus AB free response questions through the lens of TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Graphing and analyzing the behavior of functions using TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Exploring ways to use TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology to solve problems involving derivatives and integrals

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Exam Preparation
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Elizabeth McMillan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Texas Instruments and Sanford Health, a nationally renowned non-profit healthcare system, have teamed up to produce STEM Behind Health, a series of free activities for TI-Nspire™ technology. The activities present important STEM concepts in the context of real people coping with real diseases. This session will focus on:
  • Using interactive TI-Nspire™ activities to engage students in the math and science behind rare genetic diseases
  • Encouraging students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to authentic research that’s happening now
  • Inspiring students to learn more about meaningful careers in the field of health care
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Kyle Atkin, Katie Martinez
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

If you want to learn formative assessment strategies that can positively impact teacher performance and student achievement, then this webinar is right for you. We will highlight a range of practical tools for math coaches and supervisors to support the successful implementation of formative assessment with your teachers. This session will focus on:
  • Growing a leadership culture that promotes teacher learning
  • Exploring how TI technology and professional development can support effective formative assessment
  • Questioning strategies for gaining clearer insight into student understanding
Non Technology Focused Formative Assessment
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

A partnership between NASA and TI, mISSion imaginaTIon provides teachers and students with challenges related to solving real issues being explored on the International Space Station (ISS) in preparation for long-term manned missions to Mars. Free, interactive TI-Nspire™-based lessons reinforce math and science skills by enabling students to apply their knowledge to solve problems with virtual interactive activities.
  • “Fuel for the Fire” allows students to explore rate of change in the context of fueling SLS, NASA’s Space Launch System.
  • “Keep Calm and Enjoy the Ride” gives students insight into the world of cardiovascular health on the ISS.
Join us for an exploration of the mISSion imaginaTIon project and these TI-Nspire™ activities.

TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tammy Jones, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI 84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI 84 technology when working with probability and statistics. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Using the Stat Wizards to execute common probability and statistics commands
  • Entering, plotting and analyzing a list of data
  • Exploring probability theory with interactive animations in the Probability Simulation app
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Are you still discovering TI-Nspire™ features that make your eyes light up? Whether you are a TI-Nspire™ veteran or are picking it up for the first time, join us to learn about many valuable, often overlooked features that can enhance instruction and increase student understanding. This session will focus on:
  • Using key features of the built-in Calculator, Graphs, Geometry, and Data & Statistics applications
  • Making real-world connections by inserting images into TI Nspire™ documents and overlaying mathematical objects on them
  • Modeling technology skills with the TI-Nspire™ CX Teacher Software to lead your class in active learning
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills
Speakers: John LaMaster, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI-84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI-84 technology when working with expressions and equations. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Editing and evaluating expressions on the home screen, the Y= screen, tables and lists
  • Adjusting the viewing window to find complete graphs not displayed in the standard window
  • Bringing spreadsheet power to the list editor
  • Understanding unexpected results and troubleshooting common errors
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The role of statistics is changing in the K-12 curriculum, and students are increasingly being asked to develop statistical reasoning skills and communicate statistical ideas. Join us to learn how Building Concepts engages students in a progression of focused TI Nspire™ lessons to target misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of statistics and probability. This session will focus on:
  • Connecting statistics and probability through a coherent story within and across Grades 6, 7, and 8
  • Leveraging TI-Nspire™ technology to enhance visualization in support of learning
  • Implementing effective teaching practices to support developing concepts
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Karen Campe, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI-84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI-84 technology when working with graphs. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Graphing and analyzing functions
  • Using the QuickPlot and Fit Equation features to plot points on a background image and develop a mathematical model
  • Exploring functions and inequalities with the Transformation Graphing app and Inequality Graphing app
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills
Speakers: Ellen Browne, Tom Steinke
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The TI-Nspire™ App for iPad® brings a whole new meaning to hands-on learning! Whether you are new to the app or want to learn more about the latest features for math and science, join us for an up-close look at the app’s all-in-one functionality and comprehensive set of computational, graphing and analytic tools. This session will focus on:
  • Creating interactive geometric shapes using the Math Draw feature
  • Collecting and analyzing data using the Vernier Go Wireless® temperature sensor
  • Accessing external content with the built-in QR Code® reader

TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad® Technology Skills
Speakers: Marco Gonzalez, Sandra Hocutt, Amador Vasquez, Valerie Hudson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Implementation
Speakers: Margaret Bambrick, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts,
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts,
Speakers: Todd Morstein, Mike Cimino
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System Data Collection
Speakers: Greg Dodd, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Data Collection
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Elizabeth McMillan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series,
TI-84 Plus Series
Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Mike Cimino, Fred Fotsch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Tammy Jones, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Betty Gasque
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series CCSS
Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Steve West
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series CCSS
Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Blake Helm, Andi Parr
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series TEKS
Speakers: Katie England, Ellen Browne
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Formative Assessment
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System Formative Assessment
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Skills,
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Technology Skills,
Speakers: Katie England, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Navigator™ System CCSS
Speakers: Audrey Cucci, Blake helm
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series CCSS
Speakers: Bill Caroscio, Steve West
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series CCSS
Speakers: Karen Campe, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series Technology Implementation,
Mathematical Modeling,
Speakers: Veronica Carlson, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Modeling,
Technology Implementation,
Speakers: Connie Schrock, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Technology Implementation,
Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused Teaching Resources,
Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Non Technology Focused Content Knowledge
Speakers: Greg Dodd, Fred Fotsch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire™ Apps for iPad® Teaching Resources
Speakers: Mike Cimino, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Dr. Mayim Bialik, Dr. Steven Schlozman
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Teaching Resources
Speakers: Linda Antinone, Cassie Whitecotton
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Data Collection
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Building Concepts
Speakers: Sherri Abel, Andi Parr
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Graphing technology is becoming an increasingly important tool in middle grades mathematics classrooms. Many states have shifted more algebra content into the middle grades, and some even require students to have access to graphing technology during classroom instruction and assessments. To support your TI‑84 implementation, this session will focus on:
  • Working with expressions and equations using the MathPrint™ feature
  • Graphing and analyzing functions and data
  • Locating and using free activities and online professional development resources
TI-84 Plus Series Teaching Resources,
Technology Skills
Speakers: Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-Nspire Series Computer Algebra Systems (CAS)
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI-84 Plus Series,
TI-Nspire Series
Content Knowledge,
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
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Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Calculus” is Topic 5 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Calculus within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Calculus subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight what is available on the new Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Calculus sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

Attendees of the live webinar will be entered into a drawing for free registration to the 2020 Teachers Teaching with Technology™ International Conference (T³IC). (See drawing rules.)

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Becky Byer, Becky Underwood
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Steve Phelps
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Statistics and Probability” is Topic 4 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Statistics and Probability within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Statistics and Probability subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight what is available on the new Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Statistics and Probability sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

Attendees of the live webinar will be entered into a drawing for free registration to the 2020 Teachers Teaching with Technology™ International Conference (T³IC). (See drawing rules.)

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Brad Posnanski, Paul Alves
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Join Tom Reardon as he shares learnings from The Climate Reality Project® Core Leadership training with former vice president Al Gore. Come explore how your students can model the most current data about climate change, including its causes and consequences, and discover the correlations among various sets of data.

This content is appropriate for mathematics students from grade eight through college. Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

The Climate Reality Project is a registered trademark of its owner.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Anthony Record
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this final session of our "Algebra through Calculus" series, presenters will discuss piece-wise functions and graphs. Students begin to work with piece-wise functions in algebra and continue this through their high school courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss these concepts and their connections throughout the vertical alignment of high school courses. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students are expected to work with both expressions and graphs of piecewise functions. For example, continuity and differentiability are topics that rely heavily on the analysis of a piecewise function. Often students are given the graph of an accumulation function which is represented by a piecewise function and asked to provide characteristics of the antiderivative.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Erick Archer, Fred Fotsch, Mike Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI has resources for Science Olympiad's newest Division C event, Detector Building. The presenters will walk you through how to get your students started and will guide you to TI resources that will help your team succeed.

Speakers: Kim Schelderup, Lynn Adsit
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Students can make mathematical connections across topics and grade levels by solving a problem from a previous course using new content they have recently learned, or they can modify how they set up a problem and compare the solutions for both starting points. Using the same problem again can provide students with a vertically integrated curriculum and a unified view of mathematics.

Join us to take a journey through middle and high school mathematics curriculum by focusing on one rich problem.

Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Geometry and Trigonometry” is Topic 3 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” The webinar focuses on the changes to Geometry and Trigonometry within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Geometry and Trigonometry subtopics in all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Geometry and Trigonometry sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Gail Burrill, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Why is NCTM’s “Catalyzing Change ...” an important document, and what does it mean for us as teachers?

In this webinar, we will:
  • Explore the messages in “Catalyzing Change ...” in the context of what we teach and to whom
  • Consider how technology can help us make the content in algebra and functions a reality for all students
  • Examine what statistical ideas are critical to help all students make sense of the world in which they live
Speakers: Alice Fisher, Mike Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore the deep connection between music and mathematics while we learn how to encode music using the TI-Innovator™ Hub. Join this webinar to:
  • Learn the principles of musical scales discovered by the Pythagoreans to analyze musical notes mathematically
  • Explore how to encode music (including rhythm) by representing each note with its sound frequency and duration in time
  • Experience how computational thinking can support the problem-solving process by learning how to use pattern recognition and abstractions in coding to efficiently create music
  • If time allows, learn how to construct simple external speakers that connect to the TI-Innovator™ Hub through the breadboard connections
Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

Speakers: Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Join notable author, presenter and teacher Pam Harris as she explores Problem Strings, one of the most powerful instructional routines for constructing understanding and strategy. During this webinar, we will:
  • Experience Problem Strings that help students construct mathematical strategies
  • Define Problem Strings and how they can be used to sequence tasks for student success
  • Consider how technology can enhance Problem Strings
Speakers: Yew Fook Chan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, we will discuss questions from the May 2019 IBDP Mathematics HL examinations and how we can use TI-Nspire™ CX to solve them effectively and efficiently. Areas that will be focused on include calculator, graphing, lists & spreadsheets, and data & statistics apps.

The presenter will share keystrokes to solve questions, as well as some tips for using the TI-Nspire™ CX for assessment efficiently and effectively.

Participants will learn useful and important things to look out for when using the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld in the IB examinations.

Speakers: Kara Leaman, Ann Schlemper
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover ways to get your students to use simple coding to assess their knowledge of function behavior and apply it to real and creative contexts. Join this webinar to explore coding on the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator and TI Connect™ CE software application.

Presenters will demonstrate writing programs that can be used in algebra, precalculus and calculus. These programs include explorations of:
  • Near asymptotes
  • End behavior/limits at infinity
  • Zeros/x-intercepts
  • Applications to blood alcohol levels
  • Some graphic design
The presenters will highlight:
  • Programs that allow students to enhance, check and apply their understanding of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Programming shortcuts included on the latest TI-84 Plus CE operating system
  • The efficiency of programming using TI Connect™ CE software
Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Functions” is Topic 2 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” This webinar focuses on the changes to Functions within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Functions subtopics within all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Functions sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Tom Reardon, Scott Knapp
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In the second “ACT® Math Test Success” webinar, explore how to utilize TI technology to develop students’ understanding of key concepts on the ACT® math test. Presenters will focus on classroom activities using TI technology created to assist students to better prepare for and take the ACT® math test.

Relevant for middle grades and high school math teachers, these lessons focus on:
  • Absolute value
  • Pythagorean triples
  • Functions
  • Matrices
  • Systems
  • Area and perimeter of triangles, rectangles, trapezoids and parallelograms
Both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators will be used.

ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Corey Boby, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In the second session of our “Algebra through Calculus” series, presenters will discuss domain and range of functions. Students begin to work with domains and ranges in algebra and continue this through their high school courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss these concepts throughout the vertical alignment of high school courses. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students are expected to know the domains of polynomial, rational, power, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. For example, students should consider domain restrictions whenever they work with the analysis of functions using the first and second derivative. Continuity and differentiability are also topics that rely heavily on the domain of a function. Students should also be able to work with domain restrictions when working with differential equations.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Ron Lancaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Let’s put on a pair of mathematical glasses to look for where math lives in current events and develop mathematical questions related to daily life. Join NCTM columnist Ron Lancaster as he leads a discussion on how students can use TI technology to answer mathematical questions related to events of the day. The end goal will be to have students do this on their own by asking them to read news stories and develop their own questions. Technology skills will include lists, tables, graphs and the solver utility.

Speakers: Gail Burrill, Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Let’s put our principles into action by using some of the effective teaching practices with some of our favorite rich tasks. During this webinar, presenters will examine key elements of NCTM’s “Principles to Actions.”

Join us to:
  • Experience ways to make the “Principles to Actions” come alive in your classroom
  • Explore activities that bring together some of the effective teaching strategies from “Principles to Actions”
  • Consider how dynamic interactive technology can enhance those strategies
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

“Number and Algebra” is Topic 1 in both of the new IB® math courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches.” This webinar focuses on the changes to Number and Algebra within the new courses and will help prepare you with resources to teach this topic.

Presenter will:

  • Provide an overview of the Number and Algebra subtopics within all four IB® math courses
  • Highlight ready-to-use lessons available on the Texas Instruments IB® Resources website for this topic
  • Demonstrate a Number and Algebra sample activity using TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Janice Mitchener, Dennis Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Students begin to work with equivalent expressions in algebra and continue through their high school math courses. In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will discuss seeing structure in expressions and equations from algebra I through calculus. They will highlight expectations across the grade levels, building a conceptual foundation in preparation for AP® Calculus.

Ultimately, on the AP® Calculus exam, students will be expected to use and recognize equivalent expressions on the multiple-choice section. For example, students should be able to rearrange expressions into equivalent forms before evaluating a limit. Students should also be able to convert simple rational and radical expressions into exponent forms before finding a derivative or antiderivative.

The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Valerie Hudson, Monique Williams
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is designed for algebra I educators in Texas who use TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology and want to learn more to drive student success on the Texas Algebra I EOC exam.

Presenters will discuss:
  • Using TI graphing technology to create truth statements for solving algebra I questions
  • Powerful reasons for utilizing the Graph feature even when students are not prompted to graph
  • The use of graphing technology with recursive functions
Speakers: Pat Flynn, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, presenters will explore strategies and TI graphing calculator skills that can help students prepare for the math section of the ACT® test.

Join this presentation to:
  • Get tips for integrating TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology to find answers to ACT® test questions
  • Learn ACT® test-prep strategies that can be implemented in your classroom to solve multiple-choice problems
  • Familiarize yourself with some of the question types found on the math ACT® test
ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All

The International Baccalaureate® (IB®) Diploma Programme is rolling out new math curricula starting this fall. Are you ready? The courses, “Applications and Interpretation” and “Analysis and Approaches,” have some changes that every IB® math teacher should know. The presenter will discuss changes to the new curricula as well as introduce resources from Texas Instruments (TI) for your IB® math classroom.

Join this webinar to learn about:

  • How the new courses compare to IB® Math Studies, IB® Math SL and IB® Math HL
  • The core topics for both new courses
  • Ready-to-use resources for the IB® math classroom from TI

TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit

Speakers: John Ashurst, Kathy Hale
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, the presenters will promote strategies that connect some frequently overlooked TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator capabilities with students’ analytical thinking.

By the end of this interactive webinar, participants will have experienced these strategies:
  • Utilizing the Ask feature within a table (for multiple choice questions or checking answers)
  • Introducing the Store capacity on the home screen (to work with expressions and equations, especially equations in standard form)
  • Using Sequence Mode to predict the NEXT value, based on the NOW value
  • Exploring Piecewise Graphing as it is used to make sense of situational questions
Have your TI-84 Plus CE handy and play along.

Speakers: Sean Bird, Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Whether you are new or an experienced user of TI-Nspire™ technology, come participate for an exciting look at what you can do this year in your math and science classroom.

Join this webinar to:
  • Enjoy learning about the new functionality and ease-of-use improvements
  • Experience how teachers and students can use Path Plot to discover and explore function, parametric and polar graphs
  • Enhance your ability to implement the new features in your classroom
Speakers: Valerie Hudson, Monique Williams
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is designed for eighth grade educators in Texas who use TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ graphing technology and want to learn more to drive student success on the Texas eighth grade EOC exam. Presenters will cover key elements of teaching with TI technology and will focus on helping students use this technology to better understand key exam topics.

Join this webinar to explore:
  • Implementing TI graphing technology to assist with geometric transformations
  • Utilizing TI graphing technology to order numbers and create truth statements for solving eighth grade mathematics questions
  • Using the Store feature to solve problems
Speakers: Landy Godbold, Steve Viktora, Connie Schrock
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The MAC-CPTM Situations Project from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia published a set of Situations in Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-Based Situations that were drawn from incidents that occurred in classes observed by members of the Situations Project team.

Some members of this team later collaborated with members of NCSM to produce a Guidebook with six of these Situations. The Guidebook shows multiple ways for a facilitator to direct the professional learning of preservice and/or in-service teachers. The objective is to help teachers make connections among secondary mathematical ideas and to value the relevance and power of their understanding of mathematics beyond that which they teach.

This session will familiarize the participants with this resource. The Situation about Mean and Median will be the focus of this session. TI-Nspire™ technology will be used as an “electronic sandbox” to explore the Situation.

Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Steve Viktora, Connie Schrock
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The MAC-CPTM Situations Project from the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Georgia published a set of Situations in Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching: A Framework and Classroom-Based Situations that were drawn from incidents that occurred in classes observed by members of the Situations Project team.

Some members of this team later collaborated with members of NCSM to produce a Guidebook with six of these Situations. The Guidebook shows multiple ways for a facilitator to direct the professional learning of preservice and/or inservice teachers. The objective is to help teachers make connections among secondary mathematical ideas and to value the relevance and power of their understanding of mathematics beyond that which they teach.

This session will familiarize the participants with this resource. We will delve into the Situation about Circumscribing Polygons and explore how TI-Nspire™ technology can support teacher learning while engaging with the Situations.

Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
While the ACT® math test is still fresh in your mind, come join us to cover an overview of lessons learned and things to consider for your school as you re-energize over the summer and get ready for next year.

Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
During this follow-up webinar, the presenters will focus on instructional practices for supporting the development and revision of tasks that support task implementation with TI technology. The presenters will examine how specific practices and task selection can leverage technology to support student learning, such as:
  • Connecting mathematical representations
  • Posing purposeful questions
Speakers: Pam Harris
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How can you help your students to reason about proportional situations, including those with unit and non-unit rates? During the webinar, the presenter uses the instructional routine of "Problem Strings" to demonstrate how to help students construct multiplicative and proportional reasoning.

Explore the power of TI technology to:
  • Create scatter plots of proportional data
  • Graph functions that model the data
  • Examine rates of change and the connections to the data and the functions
The presenter utilizes both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Ron Lancaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
We will put on a pair of mathematical glasses to look for where math lives in the world around us, and we will practice the art of developing mathematical questions related to where we encounter mathematics.

Because this is a webinar, we will not be able to go outside for a walk, but we will be able to examine photos and videos to view the world through a mathematical lens. We will discuss how TI technology can be used be used to support students through a journey that begins with them answering our mathematical questions and that leads students to posing and solving their own questions related to what is of interest to them.

Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how TI-Innovator™ Rover can be integrated into math classrooms to develop and support important mathematics concepts. During this webinar, presenters will:
  • Consider experiences that develop students’ abilities to collaborate, think creatively, and solve problems, while also exploring and extending mathematics topics
  • Explore ready-made activities for learning mathematics with TI-Innovator™ Rover
  • Analyze how computational thinking supports mathematics process standards
This session utilizes both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Jeremy Zelkowski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How you implement tasks is just as important as selecting high quality tasks. During the webinar, the presenters will focus on instructional practices that support the implementation of high quality tasks with TI technology. The presenters will examine how you can leverage technology to support student learning, such as:
  • Promoting reasoning and sense making
  • Eliciting student thinking
The presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Karlheinz Haas, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do your students want more data collection activities from you? The new TI-SensorLink Adapter is the tool you need to add to your STEM activities. During this webinar, the presenters will:
  • Introduce the TI-SensorLink™ Adapter for use with TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire(tm) CX graphing calculators
  • Expand STEM project possibilities by connecting select Vernier sensors to the TI-Innovator™ Hub
  • Explore how this TI technology can strengthen student understanding of scientific concepts
This webinar is designed for those who already know some coding basics.

Speakers: Sean Bird, John Hanna
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI’s new TI-Nspire™ CX II suite of handhelds and premium software include many exciting new features that will have a positive impact on your teaching and learning. Join this webinar to get the latest information.

Speakers: Erick Archer, Jessica Kohout
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how you can do STEM projects with your students. Presenters will sample a number of popular STEM projects that use the TI-Innovator™ Hub. These projects are being used by middle and high school teachers with their students right now. Also learn about the TI STEM Team’s “STEM Project Loan Program” to try STEM projects with your students.

Speakers: Scott Washburn, Edward Chaves
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you want to show your students how much mathematics there is in sports? During this month of March Madness, we are going to analyze the anatomy of a free throw shot. In this exploration, discover why some free throws are better than others based on their quadratic equation and their entry angle through the hoop. The presenters will demonstrate TI technology skills to highlight:
  • Capturing points from an animation
  • Analyzing data on a Data and Statistics page
  • Exploring a Lists and Spreadsheets page
  • Measuring angles on a Geometry page
Speakers: Irina Lyublinskaya, Karen Campe
Technology Proficiency Level: All
With Pi day just two weeks away, it’s time to dive into a healthy serving. Join this webinar to learn activities to excite your students about this irrational number that's all around us. Presenters will look into the search for Pi from ancient times to modern times. They will explore simulation ideas surrounding Pi and cover a range of topics for use in your math classroom.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Fan Disher
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? During this webinar, the presenters will focus on sound mathematical reasoning and the appropriate use of technology for some released AP® Calculus questions.

The presenters will examine technology skills students will be expected to use, including:
  • Definite Integrals – Approximating (including Area and Volume)
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus – Finding a new value of a function
  • Definite Integrals – Accumulation functions
  • Definite Integrals – Motion along a line and (BC) Parametric Equations
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Tracy Watson, Mike Koehler
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Prepare your students for the AP Statistics Exam with insights from Exam Readers. Technology plays an integral part in students' preparation for the exam. Come learn some tips and tricks for gettting your students ready for data analysis, probability and inference.

Using related AP® Statistics Exam questions, the presenters will examine technology skills that students will be expected to have mastered. The presenters will demonstrate:
  • Technology tools involving normal distribution
  • Statistical inference - Confidence intervals using technology
  • Statistical inference – Hypothesis testing using technology
Speakers: Margaret Bambrick, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Come see some fun math activities to bring back to your students. Engage your students in interesting math ideas and explorations. In this webinar, presenters will explore features of the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators that are useful to both new and experienced users. Join this session to learn how to:
  • Explore middle grades and high school math concepts related to images, transformations, and graphs
  • Store data, graphs, functions and more to optimize class time
  • Leverage your classroom set of TI-84 Plus graphing calculators to enhance classroom discussions
  • Increase communication and engagement with TI Connect™ CE Software and share student work
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Once the goals and objectives have been developed for a grant proposal, it is time to make projections about the future of the grant and the short-and-long-term outcomes that are expected -- and what this might cost.

This webinar, the third in a series of sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals, will focus on preparing a budget. Presenters will:

  • Describe typical budget development ideas
  • Highlight different types of financial documents often required for grant proposals
  • Show an example of a typical budget and reasons behind including expenditures in key areas
Speakers: Brad Posnanski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do your students ever wonder if they have what it takes to become a professional football player? Join this webinar to explore a football-related activity investigating how player attributes relate to the position a player might play and the success of draft choices before they even begin practice. Learn where to get data on professional football players' height, weight, speed and other attributes that will be interesting to students and spark discussions about accuracy.

The presenter will:
  • Show how to put data in lists and make visual representations of the data including histograms and box plots
  • Discuss measure of center and measures of spread and how you can use those to analyze data
  • Explore outliers and how they affect the data set
Use this activity to engage students with their own chosen data sets, as they can analyze and compare player attributes from different teams, positions, and even students in their own classroom.

Speakers: John LaMaster, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how to use image files on the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to engage students in problem solving and making real world connections.

Presenters will:
  • Provide activities for the images that come pre-installed with your TI-84 Plus CE
  • Demonstrate how to create, upload and store custom images
  • Use mathematical modeling to analyze images
  • Combine math, art and animation with images to stimulate student creativity
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The needs statement in any grant is crucial to framing the entire grant proposal. This webinar, the second in a series of sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals, will focus on steps to writing a compelling needs statement.

  • Beginning the process of identifying problems or issues affecting student performance and describe why this is occurring
  • Presenting data that supports the existence of the problem
  • Proposing ways you feel a solution to this problem is important for your students’ needs and how this can be of interest to the funding source
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Fan Disher
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? During this webinar, the presenters will focus on sound mathematical reasoning and the appropriate use of technology for some released AP® Calculus questions.

The presenters will examine technology skills students will be expected to use, including:
  • Limits – Using tables and graphs
  • Derivatives – Derivative at a Point
  • Derivatives – Examining the graph of the first or second derivative
  • Derivatives – Motion along a line and (BC) Parametric Equations
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI‑Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


In this webinar the presenters will work through carefully selected Paper 2 examination style questions using TI-Nspire technology. The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate accurate and efficient strategies in approaching examination questions. Topics to be covered will include algebra, functions, calculus and probability.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


In this webinar the presenters will work through carefully selected examination style questions using TI-Nspire technology. The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate accurate and efficient strategies in approaching examination questions. Topics to be covered will include statistics, calculus, normal distribution and financial mathematics.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou


The aim of the webinar is to demonstrate some useful short-cuts, address common student misconceptions and showcase strategies for effective GDC use. TI-Nspire skills incorporating the use of the store command, variables and table functionality will be demonstrated through applicable problems requiring the solution of equations and inequalities both numerically and graphically. Specific reference will be made to trigonometric functions and applications.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou

In this webinar, teachers will experience how TI-Nspire CX can be used to enhance student understanding of some important concepts covered in Topic 6: Mathematical Models and Topic 7: Introduction to Differential Calculus. In addition to showcasing learning activities relevant to these topics, tips for fluent TI-Nspire CX use will also be offered.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham and Joanna Kyprianou

Duration: 1 hour

In this webinar, teachers will experience how TI-Nspire CX can be used to enhance student understanding of some important concepts covered in Topic 4: Vectors and Topic 5: Statistics and Probability with a particular focus on probability distributions. In addition to showcasing learning activities relevant to these topics, tips for fluent TI-Nspire CX use will also be offered.

Speakers: Mr. Hilary Lai and Bozenna Graham

Duration: 1 hour

IB Paper 2 examination requires the use of graphing display calculators. In this webinar, the speaker will show you some useful techniques in handling examination questions using the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld.

Speakers: Bozenna Graham
Technology Proficiency Level: All

Tuesday, 21 February 2017 7:00 pm
Australia Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney, GMT+11:00)

This webinar includes: a review of basic features, both for class activities and exam preparation; what’s new the latest operating system; which features are not available in the PTT setting; why use Geometry more in our teaching and some short introductory activities that introduce new concepts.

Speakers: Audrey Cucci, JoAnn Miltenberg
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This session will focus on educational technology that motivates and encourages students to exceed their own expectations in the classroom. Come see how you can use the TI technology to motivate your students. See how you can used the flipped classroom model to encourage student participation. View online video platforms that hold students accountable. Inspire your students to be the teacher. Inspire them to push further than they thought they could.

Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you have an idea for a STEM project or another initiative but need a grant to get started? Attend this webinar to learn about opportunities for both large and small grants that can include technology, equipment and resources, expert speakers, student camps, parent programs and even community events. Receive a comprehensive list of grant sites and tips on how to make your grant proposal stand out.

This webinar is the first in a series of three sessions exploring effective practices for writing grant proposals.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How your students talk about the endpoints of intervals matters on the AP® Calculus exam. In this webinar, AP® Calculus experts will discuss the use of TI technology to enhance student understanding of this tricky but crucial topic.

Presenters will:
  • Discuss increasing/decreasing, concavity and endpoints
  • Share insights from the exam scoring
  • Give tips on careful language
Presenters will use both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Speakers: Linda Antinone, Cassie Whitecotton
Technology Proficiency Level: All
What is a concussion and what are the causes? What is the purpose of a helmet?

There is an increased awareness and concern about concussions, especially in sports. Presenters will discuss how students can use TI Nspire™ CX technology and Vernier probes to collect data to address this real world problem. They will show how to help students apply science and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on an object during a collision.

Join this webinar to learn more about:
  • Using TI-Nspire CX™ technology and Vernier data collection probes to investigate what materials reduce the impact of force on an object
  • Analyzing data in DataQuest using different techniques: Best-fit line, modeling, area under-a -curve
  • Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards Three Dimensional Learning model: Practices, Core Ideas and Cross-Cutting Concepts
Presenters will highlight real-world examples from their work with STEM students.

Speakers: Ellen Browne, Brad Posnanski
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Presenters will celebrate computer science week by discussing their insights from leading coding and STEM projects within their math classrooms. Experience the excitement of students engaging in challenging tasks that put STEM into practice.

Presenters will:
  • Highlight coding and STEM projects using the TI-Innovator™ Rover and TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI Launchpad™ Board
  • Discuss challenges and lessons learned
  • Share implementation strategies
Learn from their experiences so that you can incorporate these engaging activities using TI technology into your math classrooms.

Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, presenters will help you take flight! You are challenged to use math and science to take off and fly a virtual plane. You need just the right amount of velocity, but not too much, and you need just the right amount of lift to fly the plane. You can control your flaps and slats to determine the right amount of surface area for your wings.

The STEM on the Fly activity is rich in math and science. It’s a great cross-curricular lesson that will get kids pumped about flying and maybe even get them thinking about a career in aviation. This TI activity is available on both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Presenters will:
  • Share a STEM Behind Cool Careers activity
  • Explore force and how it’s related to flight
  • Show the connection between the math and science of flight
Speakers: Karen Campe, John La Master
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar will show how to foster inquiry in your classroom with images and apps that are pre-loaded on your TI-84 Plus family calculator.

Presenters will:
  • Showcase the pre-built images and develop mathematical models with the Manual-Fit line as well as QuickPlot and Fit Equation tools
  • Set the stage for rich learning contexts with the Transformation Graphing app
  • Explore other pre-loaded apps as time permits
Speakers: Janice Michener, Dennis Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, AP® Calculus Readers will investigate the Mean Value Theorem (MVT) using TI graphing technology. Presenters will emphasize student opportunities to reason with definitions and theorems, utilizing both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among learners to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing approaches and arguments. In this webinar, presenters will discuss how one might implement and facilitate tasks that promote productive discussions to strengthen the teaching and learning of mathematics. They will explore types of tasks that encourage mathematical flexibility to show what students know in more than one way.

Speakers: Rachael Gorsuch, Scott Keltner
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Simulation is perhaps the most effective pedagogical tool available for teaching probability, and using technology is at heart of this kind of simulation. In this webinar, presenters will explore many examples of using simulation to teach different probability topics with TI technology.

Presenters will:
  • Explore theoretical vs. experimental probability
  • Demonstrate examples of simulations of probabilities that are difficult to compute directly
  • Share activities that will engage students in creating simulations for these difficult-to-compute probabilities
Speakers: Karen Campe, Debbie Poss
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this continuation of the deep dive into the TI-84 Plus series, presenters will focus on using TI-84 Plus technology as a tool for inquiry while highlighting the following capabilities:
  • Using tables as dynamic tool to examine growth
  • Exploring patterns and trigonometry
  • Using the Cabri™ Jr. geometry app to explore invariants
Speakers: Bill Caroscio, Steve Phelps
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Inquiry implies posing interesting questions and/or problem scenarios for student investigation. Presenters will share two examples during this webinar:
  • To treasure hunt or not to treasure hunt, that is the question!
  • What results when a cube is sectioned? A rectangular prism?
This webinar is applicable for middle grades and high school math teachers as they facilitate inquiry in the classroom.

Speakers: Tom Dick, Dan Kennedy
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The study of average rates of change and slopes of lines begins early in a student’s math trajectory. Calculus begins the study of instantaneous rates of change, and zooming in on the graph of a differentiable function is an intuitive way to get at the corresponding idea of local slopes. The idea that a differentiable function behaves locally like a linear function is profound and important.

In this webinar, the leaders will:
  • Highlight the importance of differentiability as local linearity and zooming as a means of exploring the derivative at a point
  • Tie the application of local linearity to L’Hopital’s rule (new addition to the AB calculus course description)
  • Connect the local linearity idea to linear approximations, to slope fields and to Euler’s method
Speakers: Karen Campe, David Sword
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators has many powerful features. Whether you are a new or experienced user of the technology, this deep dive will introduce you to advanced capabilities of TI-84 Plus technology and how it can be used as a tool for inquiry.

This webinar will highlight:
  • Analyzing and interpreting graphs
  • Linking multiple representations using tables
  • Using graph styles to explore function families and piecewise functions
Speakers: Jeff Mc Calla, Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore how the strategic use of TI technology contributes to student learning and demonstration of knowledge on the ACT® Exam. Join this webinar to:
  • Get tips for integrating TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology throughout your lessons to help your students understand the math concepts assessed on the ACT® Exam
  • Learn about the key areas of focus on the revised ACT® Exam
  • Discover strategies and activities to help make your students successful, both on the ACT® Exam and in your math classroom
Speakers: Veronica Carlson, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Financial literacy is an important life skill that can be addressed in any math class. The TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology have built in finance tools that can be used to help students better understand real-world financial implications. Presenters will demonstrate:
  • Time Value of Money (TVM solver) using both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Dynamic capabilities of TI-Nspire™ technology to explore different situations when variables change
  • Amortization tables using TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology
By the end of the webinar, you will be familiar with these finance tools using TI technology so that you can incorporate them into your lesson plans.

Speakers: Diane Broberg, Katie England
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Whether you are new to TI-Nspire™ technology or an experienced user, this session will help you begin the school year with exciting ideas to engage students and enhance your teaching. The webinar will focus on:
  • Investigating graphing - functions, sequences and more
  • Using multiple representations to differentiate learning
  • Facilitating effective formative assessment
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Corey Boby
Technology Proficiency Level: All
As the school year begins, polish your TI technology skills to help your students develop a strong foundation of AP® Calculus concepts. In this session, AP® Calculus experts will focus on:
  • An introduction to the graphing app
  • Storing intersection value
  • Defining functions
  • Limit work with graphs
Presenters will demonstrate these topics using both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology.

Speakers: Ruth Casey, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Over the last few years, there have been a number of significant updates to the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators. In this session, we will highlight and explore enhancements that are useful for new and experienced users. Learn from successful classroom teachers to discover how to:
  • Help students learn and explore middle grades and high school math concepts
  • Leverage your classroom set of TI-84 Plus graphing calculators to enhance classroom discussions
  • Explore TI-SmartView™ CE Emulator Software for TI-84 Plus graphing family and TI Connect™ CE software
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to construct searching and sorting algorithms. Explore how to model and solve computer science problems using linear and binary searches, as well as selection, insertion, merge, and quick sorts.

Speakers: Alice Fisher, Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Explore classroom activities for teaching and learning computer science principles using Texas Instruments programming technology.

This webinar will focus on developing computational thinking practices, while learning fundamental computer science topics and structures (such as input/output, control, conditionals, loops, etc.).

Computer science activities and resources will be shared that can be incorporated into math or science classrooms and/or used with computer science classes, clubs, or programs.

Webinar presenters will:
  • Discuss computational thinking practices and fundamental computer science topics
  • Explore classroom activities for teaching and learning computer science, physical computing, and introductory robotics
Speakers: Adam Pennell, Julie Riggins
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are you looking for fun and interactive activities to engage your students at the end of the year? This webinar will demonstrate two hands-on math activities that require students to think. Math, learning and fun, a good end-of-the-year combination.
  • Activity 1: Without regression, use quadratic and linear functions to model data from the flight of a model rocket
  • Activity 2: An introduction to coding that generates and then models the hailstone sequence
Presenters will demonstrate the activities using TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 Plus CE technology.

Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to manipulate text using string processing functions. Delve into how to concatenate, work with substrings, search strings and cast between data types in order to model and solve computer science problems.

Speakers: Peter McLaren, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
With over 40 states adopting or developing three-dimensional state science educational standards based upon “A Framework for K–12 Science Education,” (National Research Council, 2012), the way science is taught and learned in our country is shifting significantly.

Webinar presenters will discuss how TI is working with educators to adapt traditional lessons by integrating the three dimensions to support students as they strive to explain phenomena and design solutions to problems.

This webinar will share with educators how they can use a "coaching template" to target evidence that educators would look for as students make their thinking visible through the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts.

Speakers: Mike Koehler, Chris True
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions? What are the expectations of the students' responses by the AP® Reader? During this webinar, presenters will review the TI technology allowed on the AP® Statistics Exam as well as expected guidelines for presenting their answers.

Using related AP® Statistics Exam questions, webinar presenters will examine the technology skills students will be expected to have mastered, including demonstration of:
  • Probability problems using technology
  • Technology tools involving normal distributions
  • Statistical Inference – Confidence Intervals using technology
  • Statistical Inference – Hypothesis Testing using technology
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to create user-defined functions and procedures, including recursive functions. Explore how to call functions within a program and trace, compare and use recursive algorithms in order to model and solve computer science problems.

Speakers: Erick Archer, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
STEM clubs and coding camps are a great way to reach more students than just the ones you teach. Join this webinar to learn ideas and see examples of projects that will excite students on the future of STEM careers.

Presenters will give an overview of projects that utilize TI technology including TI-Innovator™ Hub as well as Vernier sensors, leveraging both TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-84 Plus CE technology.

Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: Advanced
Come investigate and explore advanced topics in computer science using TI-Nspire™ technology. In this session, we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to process data in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. Delve into how to index, traverse and augment arrays in order to model and solve computer science problems.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar will provide some helpful suggestions in preparing your AP® Calculus students to perform at their best on the upcoming exam. AP® Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader will share:
  • Technology Do's and Dont’s
  • Tips on communicating well on the free response questions
  • Time management strategies
This webinar appropriate for AP® Calculus teachers as well as students.

Speakers: Tom Steinke, Daniel Wilkie
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover how to bring math to life and engage your students by putting math in motion using the TI-Innovator™ Rover, CBR 2™ motion sensor and TI-Nspire™ technology.

This session will cover:
  • Creating animated characters using functions and sliders
  • Using functions and coding to navigate a city (obstacle course) with the TI-Innovator™ Rover
  • Using the CBR 2™ motion sensor to avoid obstacles
This activity is appropriate for middle grades math, algebra I, algebra II and geometry students.

Speakers: Ray Barton, Landy Godbold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “How likely could this event occur by chance?” Two-way tables, graphical representations and chi-squared distributions can help students answer this question in many contexts. TI technology can be a powerful tool to help students see and interact with these concepts.

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Show how to create interactive two-way tables and their associated bar graphs
  • Use these interactive tables and graphs to help students understand conditional probabilities
  • Demonstrate technology tools that calculate probabilities involving chi-squared distributions
  • Discuss related AP* questions
Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

Speakers: Tom Reardon, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Real world topics bring math to life in your classroom. The prescription drug addiction epidemic provides an opportunity to address a major world problem and look at potential solutions.

Webinar presenters will demonstrate a mathematical modeling activity on the opioid epidemic appropriate for middle grades and high school math students. The activity uses real-world data and covers such topics as percent increase and regression equations in piece wise functions.

Presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire handheld devices during this webinar.

Speakers: Tammy Casey, Robyn Poulsen
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Discover new ways to celebrate Pi Day in your math classroom. T³™ Instructors will demonstrate fun Pi-related activities for students in grades 6-12.

This webinar will focus on calculating Pi by using:
  • Geometry pages for middle grades and high school
  • Data points to fill lists and spreadsheets
  • Basic programing on both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices
  • Additional activities to excite your students
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question “How likely could this event occur by chance?” Understanding patterns in sampling distributions of sampling means and in particular the Central Limit Theorem can help students answer this question in many contexts. TI technology can be a powerful tool to help students see and interact with these patterns.

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Show how to create and display sampling distributions of sample means
  • Use activities that help students discover patterns in sampling distributions of sample means
  • Demonstrate TI technology tools that calculate probabilities involving normal distributions
  • Discuss related AP* questions
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

Speakers: Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar highlights “TI in Focus: AP* Calculus,” a collection of free resources designed for AP* Calculus teachers. Join this webinar to learn more about these resources, which include videos that address:
  • All of the released 2017 free response AB and BC questions, highlighting scoring results and student difficulties
  • How to use these questions as teaching tools in the classroom, including extensions to the questions that use technology to reinforce concepts
  • Additional mathematical background on question topics and technology tips for using either TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology to illustrate them in the classroom
Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Once the goals and objectives have been developed for a grant proposal, it is time to make projections about the future of the grant and the short-and-long-term outcomes that are expected – and what this might cost.

Budget costs should be in direct proportion to grant expectations. The budget provides the financial picture of how the grant funds would help to accomplish the goals and objectives listed in the proposal. It should reflect all of the various aspects of the grant: who will be working on the grant; travel expenses; materials, supplies and equipment needed, etc. It will include all expenditures of cash and, if needed for the proposal, all in-kind services.

In this session, the presenters will:
  • Describe typical budget development ideas devices
  • Highlight different types of financial documents often required for grant proposals
  • Show an example of a typical budget and reasons behind including expenditures in key areas
This is the third webinar in a three-part series on grant writing. In case you missed the first two webinars, focused on funding resources and preparing a needs statement, you can watch them on-demand.

Speakers: Sam Gough, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All
How might we support productive struggle in learning mathematics? How might using activities that provide for visualization and conceptual development of mathematics help students think deeply about mathematical ideas and relationships?

In this webinar, presenters will:
  • Explore how TI technology can be used to promote productive struggle
  • Discuss tasks that promote opportunities for students to engage in productive struggle
  • Highlight how students can solve tasks and use multiple representations to deepen mathematics understanding
Speakers: Becky Byer, Steve Phelps, Becky Underwood
Technology Proficiency Level: All
From quarterback passing data to the cost of commercials, The Big Game offers a multitude of opportunities to engage your students. Join this session to explore Big Game-related activities applicable for Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry using TI technology. Presenters will be using both TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 CE technology.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Corey Boby
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The AP* Calculus course requires students to have an in-depth understanding of rate of change. However, the foundation of the concept of rate of change should be introduced to students early in their mathematics education. Students’ understanding of rate of change should evolve all the way from middle school up to and including calculus.

In this webinar, experts serving on the AP* Calculus Development Committee and Readers for the AP* Calculus exam will focus on using TI technology – both the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology – to demonstrate how to:
  • Explore rate of change using numbers, tables, graphs and equations
  • Investigate and model applications of rate of change using TI-technology
  • Appropriately integrate technology to enhance student understanding of rate of change at various levels
Speakers: Ray Barton, Mike Koehler
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, "How likely could this event occur by chance?" The ability to carry out simulations, allowing students to experience statistical models in the context of probability rather than formulas, can lead to greater insight. Well-designed simulations can help students achieve an in-depth understanding of the way statistics operate.

During this webinar, the presenters will discuss how to:
  • Develop simulations using the built-in functionality of TI handheld devices
  • Develop simulations using multiple steps linked in a coherent manner
  • Use activities to show how simulations relate to statistical concepts, including hypothesis tests as well as Type I and Type II errors
  • Use AP® questions to drive the discussion of simulation
Presenters utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ handheld devices during the webinar.

Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The needs statement in any grant is crucial to framing the entire grant proposal. This webinar will encourage attendees to:
  1. Begin the process of identifying problems or issues affecting student performance and describe reasons this is occurring;
  2. Present data that supports the existence of the problem; and
  3. Propose the ways you feel a solution to this problem is important for your students’ needs and how this can be of interest to the funding source.

Speakers: Linda Antinone, Kyle Atkin, Linda Griffith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Increasing levels of student engagement is one of the keys to improving student learning. Join this webinar to explore teaching strategies that take advantage of TI handheld technology and have the potential to increase student engagement and foster student-centered learning.

Examples of student work will be shared from eighth grade math, algebra I, geometry and precalculus, with discussion about the teaching strategies used to motivate and facilitate student learning.

Speakers: Jen Cezar, Doris Teague
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Do you have an idea for a STEM project or another initiative, but you need a grant to get started? Attend this webinar to learn about large and small grant opportunities that can include technology, equipment and resources, expert speakers, student camps, parent programs, and even community events. Receive a comprehensive list of grant sites and tips on how to make your grant proposal stand out.

Speakers: Gloria Barrett, Landy Godbold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” This is especially true in formal inference. Reference distributions provide the basis for addressing that question.

Presenters will:
  • Relate the need for reference distributions to the logic of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals
  • Explore both theoretical and simulation-based reference distributions based on AP* items
  • Show how the functionality of TI technology can enhance the understanding of reference distributions
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

Speakers: Erick Archer, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Today’s students will be tomorrow’s problem-solvers. Join us to see how the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board can be used to engage students in relevant problem-solving situations. In this webinar, we’ll explore how to effectively manage a limited water supply during a drought. In the context of this scenario, this session will focus on:
  • Designing and building a smart watering system to manage a limited amount of water collected in a cistern to irrigate a garden
  • Exploring frameworks for teaching concepts in science, mathematics, engineering and computer programming
Speakers: Johnny Ashurst, Steve Phelps
Mathematical modeling serves as a bridge between conceptual understanding and application, and geometry equips students with a range of tools for developing effective mathematical models. Join us to see how viewing problems through a geometric lens can help students analyze relationships, evaluate and interpret results, and draw mathematical conclusions. This session will focus on:
  • Using TI-Nspire™ technology to construct, analyze and transform interactive geometric objects
  • Exploring 3-D graphing capability to create geometric models and think critically about them
  • Enhancing students’ spatial reasoning skills by developing the importance of clarifying questions
Speakers: Tracy Watson, Don Worcester
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” Probability provides a way to measure how “typical” something is and provides a language for describing uncertainty. Sample space and event are “duals” of population and statistic. Formulas for combining random variables explain inference standard error formulas for differences.

Presenters will:
  • Relate key concepts of probability to corresponding concepts in statistics
  • Examine probability as a long-run measurement
  • Illustrate how technology can be used to determine probabilities through direct calculation and through simulations
  • Investigate calculation and interpretation of expected values
  • Discuss measures for random variables formed by combining other random variables
  • Relate each of these concepts to the AP* testing experience
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology are used.

Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Betty Gasque
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The TI-Nspire™ activity that launched STEM Behind Hollywood and spread through classrooms like a virus has jumped species and is now available for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. Both activities provide students with an inside look at the math and science real-life epidemiologists use to track and curb the spread of diseases through a population. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring geometric progressions, interpreting data and making predictions
  • Understanding the function of various parts of the human brain
  • Investigating and discussing factors dealing with immunity and vaccines
Presenters will demonstrate the lesson using both TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 Plus CE Technology.

Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Its baseball playoff season, and what better way to get your students excited about learning than examining the math behind a home run? Join this webinar to explore a new baseball activity for the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. In this webinar, Tom Reardon, the activity author, will:
  • Demonstrate the mathematical modeling of when a baseball is hit, including adjustments for wind
  • Explore multiple scenarios both algebraically and graphically so that students can confirm answers are “in the ball park”
  • Highlight using linear and quadratic equations in the solutions
Speakers: Diane Broberg, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” But “typical” depends on how much variability is in the system. Well-chosen data collection procedures can help manage variability; good design is crucial. GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Presenters will:
  • Examine the two main types of inference and the main obstacle each must overcome (bias and confounding)
  • Demonstrate why random sampling and random allocation are kinds of “insurance”
  • Use activities to illustrate when, how and why more complex data-collection procedures such as stratification and blocking may be beneficial
  • Show good data-collection procedures using visual, technology-based activities and AP* questions
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

Speakers: Curtis Brown, Becky Byer
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Come see the latest from TI Education Technology, the TI-Innovator Rover. Whether you teach middle grades or high school mathematics, join us to learn about TI technology tools to engage Generation STEM and convert students’ curiosity into understanding. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring basic programming in the context of engineering design to improve computational thinking
  • Connecting learning across science, technology, engineering and mathematics using function transformations and coding
  • Creating engaging STEM experiences that develop students’ abilities to collaborate, think creatively and solve problems using the TI-Innovator Rover
Speakers: Karen Campe, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematical concepts can be etched in students’ minds when they have the opportunity to construct their own understanding. Join us to learn strategies for leveraging action-consequence activities for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to lead students down the path of discovery. This session will focus on:
  • Performing mathematical actions with technology and asking targeted questions to optimize students’ reasoning
  • Exploring classroom-ready, dynamic activities with multiple representations that build concepts in algebra, geometry and precalculus
  • Engaging your students in productive discussions that promote higher-level thinking and support mathematical practices and process standards
Speakers: Curtis Brown, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Color theory can be a fun and effective way to mix some science into your middle grades mathematics classroom. Whether you’re using TI-84 Plus CE or TI-Nspire™ CX technology, join us to explore a colorful and engaging application of ratios. This session will focus on:
  • Exploring the additive property of light (RGB) and the subtractive property of pigment (CMY), with a comparison of mixing colors in light or in pigment
  • Examining how ratios work and comparing ratios within the context of mixing paint colors
  • Applying students’ understanding of ratios to scale drawings while exploring how STEM concepts can be used in art and painting
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Robin Levine-Wissing
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Many statistical investigations revolve around the question, “What’s typical?” Well-chosen graphs can help answer that question. What kinds of graphs, and what features of those graphs, are useful? What are some limitations of statistical graphs?

During this webinar, the first in a series of AP* Statistics sessions, presenters will:
  • Develop key concepts related to choosing and interpreting univariate and bivariate graphical displays
  • Relate those concepts to the AP* testing experience
  • Demonstrate how technology-based activities can facilitate exploration and enhance understanding
  • Guide participants in the use of TI technology tools for graphing, exploration and answering questions about variability (i.e., "What's typical?")
Both TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology will be used.

Speakers: Howard Stern, Lisa Suarez
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Writing a winning grant proposal is the key component to obtain funding, but competing for grant dollars can be a challenge. Whether you are seeking technology for your classroom or want to fund a district-wide initiative, join two experienced grant writers to gain insight on how to develop a winning proposal and bring your vision to life. This session will focus on:
  • Proven strategies for successfully crafting a goal-oriented proposal
  • Mapping objectives and milestones, along with how they will be evaluated
  • Sustaining the project after the funding ends, including the roll of professional development
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Jump-start your school year with calculus resources to support instruction and develop students’ conceptual understanding. Join two AP* Calculus Question Leaders to see how TI technology can enhance the “Big Ideas” in the AP* Calculus Framework and encourage students to engage in the Mathematical Practices for AP* Calculus (MPACs). This session will focus on:
  • Developing students’ understanding of limits, derivatives, integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Encouraging students to connect concepts through multiple representations and notational fluency
  • Practical instructional approaches to support mastery of calculus content and skills
Speakers: Tom Dick, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All

Join us for a discussion on strategies for engaging students in new ways of visualizing and thinking about expressions and equations. Learn about a free lesson series focused on building conceptual understanding of these tough-to-learn, tough-to-teach topics in middle grades math.

  • Tom Dick, an author of the Building Concepts lesson series, will share his perspectives on the intent of the lessons, highlight the vertical connections and corresponding professional development
  • Dan Ilaria, an author of the Building Concepts professional development series, will share how he is using these lessons with his pre-service teachers
  • You’ll also learn how to access Texas Instruments resources supporting middle grades mathematics teachers
Speakers: Todd Graba, Stacy Thibodeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
If you want to inspire the next generation of innovators and inventors, then the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board is a great place to start. Join us to learn how the TI-Innovator™ Hub extends the functionality of TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator and TI-Nspire™ CX technology to make coding and engineering design accessible to middle grades and high school students. This session will focus on:
  • Introducing the basics of coding to build students’ critical-thinking skills and deepen their understanding of STEM concepts
  • Writing programs to control the built-in LED light and speaker on the TI-Innovator™ Hub
  • Exploring the principles of engineering design with TI-Innovator™ Hub projects

Speakers: Sean Bird, Gosia Brothers
Technology Proficiency Level: All
There’s no better time to sharpen your TI-Nspire™ technology skills than the back-to-school season. Whether you’re new to TI-Nspire™ technology or have been using it for years, chances are there are some handy tips and tricks that can be added to your TI-Nspire™ toolkit. This session will highlight:
  • Exploring mathematical relationships with dynamic measurements, calculations and linked variables to help students make connections across multiple representations
  • Creating lessons with sliders and conditional statements to engage students in tough-to-teach, tough-to-learn concepts
  • Using interactive math boxes to explore input/output relationships by evaluating mathematical expressions and commands
Speakers: Ruth Casey, Margo Mankus
Technology Proficiency Level: All
There’s no better time to sharpen your TI-84 Plus technology skills than the back-to-school season. Whether you’re new to the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators or have been using this technology for years, chances are there are some handy tips and tricks that can be added to your TI-84 Plus toolkit. This session will highlight using:
  • Editing tricks to connect home screen investigations to Y= to graph
  • The Transformation Graphing app as an investigation tool for family of functions
  • Piecewise function entry to support connections between analytic and graphical representations
  • What’s new with the TI-84 Plus CE classroom solution – using TI-SmartView™ CE Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus graphing family and TI Connect™ CE software application to support classroom management
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
How might we take action on current best practices and research in learning and assessment? How do we make sense of new ideas and learn how to apply them in our own practice? Presenters will:
  • Share examples of insights from today’s educational leaders
  • Discuss how they have experienced an impact on learning from these ideas
  • Recommend actions and resources to consider for your classroom
Speakers: Tom Reardon, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
See how your students can Play-Investigate-Explore-Discover reflections, translations, rotations and dilations – and their properties – quickly and deeply. Using these transformational geometry activities for TI-Nspire™ CX technology, teachers and students can spend their time doing the math, discovering and developing the concepts. Minimal preparation time is needed for these immediate interactive investigations.

Speakers: Marc Garneau, Todd Graba
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The ability to read, write and understand computer coding is becoming an essential skill for future job markets. T³™ Instructors will show how easy it is to learn coding through the TI technology you and your students already have, along with powerful new products such as the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board and its STEM* components.

Join the webinar to focus on 10 Minutes of Code activities for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-Nspire™ CX CAS technology, and extensions to the TI-Innovator™ Hub for middle grades and high school STEM courses and STEM camps.

*Science, technology, engineering and math

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
This webinar is the second in a two-part series focused on AP* Calculus Exam success. AP* Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader will share additional question scoring tips and important exam-taking strategies. Appropriate for both students and teachers to attend, this webinar addresses:
  • Advice for open response questions
  • More scoring of open response questions
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • How to avoid “saying too much”
  • Last minute preparation tips
If you missed the April 6 session, you can access the archived webinar here.

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

Speakers: Fred Fotsch, Stacy Thibadeaux
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The Path to STEM* Projects series of activities challenges students to learn the science concepts that support engineering skills development. This webinar will focus on:
  • Enabling students to synthesize, build and understand unique projects of their own creation
  • Providing an overview of six skill builders in the Path the STEM Projects
  • Creating excitement in your classroom using the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board
*Science, technology, engineering and math

Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Angie Slicker
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Is there more to the mathematical story for ratios and proportional reasoning? As we implement new standards, how can we be sure that we are using effective models and examples to build a coherent understanding of these concepts in the middle grades?

Join us as we discuss how we changed our approach to teaching these topics by first deepening our own understanding of ratios and proportions. Learn how educators are using TI-Nspire™ technology and the free Building Concepts lessons to enhance visualization in support of learning.

This webinar will focus on:
  • Classroom implementation experiences from a teacher using Building Concepts lessons
  • Perspective gained while presenting Building Concepts professional development materials
  • How to access Texas Instruments resources supporting middle grades mathematics teachers
Speakers: Erick Archer, Dr. Ann Schlemper
Technology Proficiency Level: All
You can engage students even as young as grade three in STEAM* activities using TI graphing technology and the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board. In this webinar, presenters will show you how to:
  • Teach students how to do graphic design using simple TI Basic programming skills
  • Bring out the art by programming your handhelds to interact with the TI-Innovator™ Hub to create a light show with varying colors or play a piece of music
  • Entice students with engineering by programming the handhelds to control stepper motors with the TI-Innovator™ Hub
The STEAM possibilities are endless with TI's newest piece of teaching and learning technology.

*Science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Learn strategies for taking and being successful on the AP* Calculus Exam from AP* Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader. Question scoring and important test-taking strategies will be shared. This webinar, the first in a two-part series, is appropriate for both students and teachers to attend. The session will focus on:
  • The AP* Calculus Exam format
  • Advice for multiple choice questions
  • Appropriate use of your TI technology
  • Scoring of open response questions
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

Speakers: Diane Broberg, Chris True
The College Board* requires students taking the AP** Statistics exam to utilize a graphing calculator. This webinar will focus on essential TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculator skills that are an integral part of student learning and conceptual understanding for success on the exam. Topics to be covered include:
  • Graphing (histograms, box plots, scatter plots)
  • Summary statistics
  • Linear regression
  • Probability calculations (normal, binomial, etc.)
  • Statistical inference
*College Board is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production or development of TI products.

**AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production or development of TI products.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Series is the fourth “Big Idea” in the revised AP* BC Calculus course description. This webinar will include examples of how TI technology can be used for instruction of series. Panelists will share insights and strategies focused on:
  • Convergence and divergence of series
  • Alternating series
  • Taylor polynomials and Maclaurin series
  • Power series
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
TI¹s Building Concepts series engages students in a progression of focused content meant to enhance students’ conceptual knowledge through highly interactive activities. In this webinar, T³™ Instructors will explore Building Concepts activities and discuss examples to show how the series has been developed to be a different way of thinking about teaching and learning critical middle grades content.

Speakers: Kara Leaman, Tracy Wingert
Engage your students in mathematics with real-world experiences through the sports in which they participate: a tennis serve, shot put, a baseball/softball player at bat, shooting baskets... How can students use parabolas to predict success? This webinar will focus on:
  • Bringing mathematics to life by connecting it to sports using TI technology
  • Showcasing lessons applicable to algebra I or algebra II
  • Providing resources you can use immediately in your classrooms
Speakers: Jessica Kohout, JoAnn Miltenberg
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Sometimes we don’t realize just how pervasive STEM* is, that it is infused in all aspects of our everyday life. In fact, many other subjects rely on skills traditionally considered STEM skills or STEM habits of mind, such as problem solving, analysis and collaboration. In this webinar, learn from T³™ Instructors who will:
  • Show how such topics as photography, music and gardening have elements of STEM that can help students develop 21st century learning skills
  • Demonstrate how to incorporate non-traditional STEM activities into your math or science classroom
  • Highlight resources available to help you provide real-world relevance to math and science concepts
Speakers: Tom Dick, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Integration and differential equation problems often appear in the AP* Calculus curriculum. Students can investigate these topics using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. AP* Calculus Readers, who also serve as T³™ Instructors, will share strategies for teaching the following topics using TI technology:
  • Accumulation functions
  • Rate in/rate out problems
  • Slope fields
  • Differential equations
Speakers: Dr. Tim Kanold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
What does it mean to become a fully formed professional educator, teacher and leader? How does technology play a role in this? How can you leverage and build into your community to help you? In this webinar, mathematics education leader Timothy Kanold, Ph.D., will provide insight into these questions as he introduces his new book, “HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader” (Solution Tree Press, Mid-March 2017).

Speakers: Johnny Ashurst, Rachel Gorsuch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematical modeling is hot catchphrase in education right now. What exactly is mathematical modeling though? This webinar will give a quick introduction to the big ideas of mathematical modeling and will share a classroom-tested lesson using TI-Nspire™ CX technology. Attend this webinar to explore:
  • What mathematical modeling looks and sounds like
  • The role of TI technology in mathematical modeling
  • Using mathematical modeling to enhance students’ conceptual understanding through real-world application
Speakers: Corey Boby, Tracy Watson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The AP* Calculus curriculum addresses applying the integral to contextual problems. Students may use TI technology, including the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology, to explore these types of problems. AP* Calculus Readers will share examples of student work. Topics covered in this webinar will include:
  • Area and volume
  • Particle motion problems
  • Average value of a function problems
Speakers: Ellen Browne, Dr. Stephen Arnold
Technology Proficiency Level: All
"Music is the mathematics of one who does not know that he is counting." – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

Join this webinar for an exploration – both historical and mathematical – of the harmonic mean, which connects the various branches of mathematics and integrates mathematics with other disciplines including music. T³™ Instructors will demonstrate classroom applications to illustrate this concept using TI-Nspire™ CX technology and the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, as well as the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI LaunchPad™ Board.

Speakers: Landy Godbold, Gail Burrill
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Mathematics educators in middle grades and high school face the tough task of incorporating elements of statistics into their curriculum. At its crux, statistics is all about variability, or noise. By developing an understanding of distributions and simulation, this allows students to make sense of information in light of variability, or in the presence of noise.

Distributions make it possible to describe variability and interpret data, and simulations give us a picture of what typical variability looks like. Together, these are the foundations for inference. Join statistics experts as they demonstrate several examples that apply these ideas using TI technology, with an eye toward meaning in context across the grade levels.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC) is a frequently tested concept in AP* Calculus. Students need to be able to recognize and solve problems involving the FTC. In this session, T³™ National Instructors who are also AP* Calculus Readers will share their insights for teaching FTC using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. This webinar will address:
  • The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Area function problems
  • Strategies for helping students achieve success
Speakers: Dr. Matthew Larson, Kim Thomas
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Hear from NTCM President Matthew Larson, Ph.D., as he introduces the book, “Balancing the Equation: A Guide to School Mathematics for Educators and Parents.” This webinar will kick off a six-week “slow chat” book study on Twitter. T³™ Instructor Kim Thomas will provide an overview of the book study and let you know how to get engaged in this important discussion about the state of mathematics in education today.

Then join Dr. Larson in person – along with co-author and mathematics education leader Dr. Timothy Kanold – at the T³™ International Conference in March, where they will discuss essential actions for the school community regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Speakers: Corey Boby, Tracy Watson
Level: All

Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is one of the four “Big Ideas” in the revised AP* Calculus course description. A common method for introducing integrals is through Riemann sums. In this session, T³™ National Instructors who also serve as AP* Calculus Readers will share teaching strategies for helping students visualize Riemann sums using the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology. This session will address:
  • Riemann sums methods and TI technology
  • Calculating definite integrals
  • An introduction to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Speakers: Curtis Brown, Tom Reardon
Level: All

There is a buried treasure located somewhere on the family’s property. A pair of geometry students find a cryptic message that launches them on the treasure hunt using algebra, geometry and cryptology. During this webinar, presenters introduce a new STEM Behind Hollywood math activity and show how the students use TI-Nspire™ CX and TI-84 Plus CE technology to:
  • Decipher the code
  • Plot ordered pairs and write equations of lines
  • Employ dynamic geometry and an interactive program to construct the circumcenter of the triangle created by the three lines
Discover how the student finds the treasure!

Speakers: Tom Dick, Pat Flynn
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

This webinar continues our Oct. 20 discussion addressing AP* Calculus topics involving applications of the derivative. In this session, T³™ Instructors with AP* experience will share more examples of applying the derivative to contextual problems using TI technology. Topics to be addressed include:
  • Optimization
  • Related rate problems
  • Parametric equations (BC topic only)
Speakers: Todd Morstein, Cassie Whitecotton
Level: All

Are you interested in knowing more about the Engineering Design Process and employing it in the science classroom? Learn how you can take advantage of TI-Nspire™ CX technology interfacing with the TI-Innovator™ Hub with TI Launchpad™ Board to incorporate the Engineering Design Process into your science classroom. This webinar will highlight middle grades lessons that focus on topics such as photosynthesis, cellular respiration and uniform motion that will engage your students in new and exciting ways. See how your students can design and build models that interface with TI technology to explore these topics like never before.

Speakers: Audrey Cucci, Josh Mize
Level: All

Excite your students with the mathematics surrounding motion. Using the Calculator Based Ranger (CBR 2™) with either your TI-Nspire™ or TI-84 Plus technology allows your students to get out of their seats and experience the mathematics involving distance and time. In particular, kinesthetic learners will see the connections between the graphs and their movements. This session will focus on:
  • Increasing relevance using real world data to study piece wise function in algebra I
  • Using data collection devices (CBR 2™) to model sinusoidal function in the algebra II curriculum
Speakers: Katie England, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Developing students’ understanding of Expressions & Equations requires instruction that helps them make sense of abstract ideas. TI-Nspire™ interactive technology and visual approach along with well-constructed learning experiences that draw strong connections among topics provide the foundation for success. This session will focus on:
  • Key learning experiences that build student understanding in Expressions & Equations
  • Assessing student understanding
  • Exploring how TI-Nspire™ supports students in forming deep understanding
Speakers: Sherri Abel, Kathy Hale
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Catch your students’ attention using engaging TI-84 Plus activities that bring real-world data to sometimes hard-to-grasp concepts for middle grades and high school mathematics students. This session will focus on the “Mystery of the Ocelot and the Agouti” and two additional TI-84 Plus activities that:
  • Use data to drive instruction and engage students
  • Integrate real data to teach students how to curve fit
  • Incorporate graphs to answer thought-provoking questions
Speakers: Fred Fotsch, Ellen Browne
Technology Proficiency Level: All
In this webinar, participants will learn how to take control of the TI-Innovator™ Hub and make engaging and authentic STEM projects for their classes. This webinar will demonstrate how the new TI-Innovator™ Hub works, how to connect it to the TI-84 Plus CE and how to control it using a TI Basic program running on their device of choice. In addition, example activities will be demonstrated ranging from getting started to more advanced. The TI-Innovator™ Hub promises to open up a whole new world of engagement in both the math and science classes.

Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Cassie Whitecotton, Erick Archer
Level: All

Join us for a SPOOKtakular webinar. We’ll be introducing a new STEM Behind Hollywood activity with a Halloween twist that will have your students engaged and wanting more. We have lots of tricks up our sleeves, as this will be a treat for all attendees.

Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Cassie Whitecotton, Erick Archer
Level: All

Join us for a SPOOKtakular webinar. We’ll be introducing a new STEM Behind Hollywood activity with a Halloween twist that will have your students engaged and wanting more. We have lots of tricks up our sleeves, as this will be a treat for all attendees.

Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick
Level: All

Students may take AP* Calculus Exams using calculators with Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) such as TI-Nspire™ CX CAS technology. CAS can be used to assist students in making conjectures and verifying properties. In this webinar, T³™ National Instructors will share ideas for using CAS to:
  • Develop derivative and anti-derivative rules
  • Perform the four approved AP* Calculus calculator operations in a CAS environment versus a non-CAS environment
  • Use CAS to investigate connections between graphical, symbolic and numeric representations
  • Discuss how AP* type questions are written with CAS in mind
Speakers: Jackie Bonneau, Judy Day
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

If you’ve been thinking of using sensors in your TI-84 Plus math or science classroom, this webinar is a must-attend. Learn how to use TI-SmartView CE Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus to create hands-on data collection experiences for your students. This session will focus on:
  • Collecting and analyzing data with sensors and TI-SmartView™ CE
  • Creating labs that incorporate screenshots and graphs of the data you collect
  • Using TI-SmartView™ CE as a teacher tool to create dynamic labs and worksheets
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Dr. Kristi Egland
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

As we approach Breast Cancer Awareness Month, STEM Behind Health will connect students to valuable classroom math and science content and allow them to explore current research and careers associated with seeking personal cures to breast cancer. This webinar will focus on:
  • The STEM Behind Health activity, “Breast Cancer: When Good DNA Goes Bad,” and the genetics and exponential growth associated with cancer cells
  • Careers in medicine and research associated with the real world of cancer research
  • An introduction to the concepts of genetic mutations and precision medicine as it pertains to cancer diagnostics and treatment
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tracy Watson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The AP* Calculus course requires students to master the foundational concept of the derivative. In this webinar, experts serving on the AP* Calculus Development Committee and readers for the AP* Calculus exam will focus on using TI technology – both the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ CX technology – to demonstrate how to:
  • Use limits and secant lines to develop the notion of the derivative at a point
  • Investigate the relationship between a function and its derivative using graphs
  • Explore the derivative as a function using graphs
  • Learn how AP type questions involving the derivative might be scored

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

Speakers: Tammy Casey, Robyn Poulsen
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Looking for more time with your students? The flipped classroom may help you find the time you need. This webinar will focus on:
  • Strategies for developing flipped lessons
  • Suggestions for in-class and out-of-class activities using TI-84 Plus and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Identifying opportunities for rich tasks in and out of the math and science classroom
Speakers: Corey Boby, Beth Smith
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Looking for ways to better prepare your students for taking exams using TI technology? This webinar will focus on effective test taking strategies for your students using TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire™ technology. In addition to general test taking strategies and hints, this session will highlight using TI technology to:
  • Save time and avoid mistakes
  • Understand the reasonableness of an answer
  • Explore answer choices
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Texas Instruments opens a new series of activities investigating the STEM Behind Sports. Each activity challenges your students to think critically about practical applications of science, technology, engineering and math.

This webinar will introduce two new activities:
  • First, tackle a graphical investigation of the success of a winning field goal and confirm the investigation algebraically. Consider the rush of the defense and the length of the kick while investigating activities appropriate for middle grades and algebra I up through and including algebra II and pre-calculus using the TI-84 CE.
  • Next, compete in a virtual triathlon, using TI-Nspire™ CX technology, in an effort to understand the concepts of work, energy and power at a physical science level.
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

One of the mathematics teaching practices from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM’s) Principles to Actions is to support productive struggle in learning mathematics.

This webinar will focus on:
  • Providing #SlowMath opportunities for all students to notice and question
  • Activities for visualization and conceptual development of fractions, ratios and equations
  • Exploring how TI technology can promote productive struggle
Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Matt Owens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Mathematics is a universal discipline that is applied in a multitude of careers, sports and hobbies. Yet, math is often viewed as a set of steps that should be memorized, rather than a language that is used to solve problems of all magnitudes. From finding the perfect angle at which to kick a soccer ball to make a goal, to calculating the rate at which a disease spreads through a population, math is essential to the decisions we make every day. As we are tasked with preparing students for college and careers, how might we inspire them to think differently about the math that can be used to explain their world and to solve problems?

This session will focus on empowering students to:
  • Tackle challenges using problem-solving skills and their TI technology
  • Evaluate, analyze and explain the math behind their favorite topics
  • Explore a variety of careers and the math that makes them possible
Speakers: Sean Bird, Elena Smirnova, Gosia Brothers
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Have you heard about the latest features for the TI-Nspire™ CX handheld and TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ system? Join us for this webinar to get an insider’s look at TI-Nspire™ technology from a member of the development team as well as a T³™ Instructor.

This webinar will focus on the new features that provide a wow factor, as well as improve ease-of-use, including:
  • Relation Graphing – Easily graph vertical lines, conics in any form, and much more
  • Automatic Sliders in Graphs – Learn to graph f(x) = m*x+b or other general form equations and observe their behavior upon change of parameters and add these interactive features to manipulate graphs with just a few easy key strokes
  • Sliders in Notes – Explore analytic and numeric patterns, or with TI-Nspire™ CAS, even algebraic patterns, with an easy motion
  • Easy Access to Math Actions – Contextual menu options guide investigations of math expressions and ensure correct use of math commands
  • Graphing from Notes and Calculator – Graph your favorite functions directly from where you define them
Plus, see what's new with the TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ system to help with Press-to-Test, configuring handheld settings, and other classroom management functionality.

Speakers: Margo Mankus, Deborah Poss
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Get an insider’s look at features of the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator family – designed to enhance teaching and learning - from a member of the product development team as well as a T³™ Instructor.

Whether you are new to the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator family or a veteran user looking to advance your TI technology skills, join us for this webinar to gain insight into TI-84 Plus features which support investigations and discoveries, as well as exam prep. This webinar will focus on:
  • Graph-Table Mode – Analytic, numeric and graph (plots) all in one view
  • Interactive Draw features – Drawing horizontal and vertical lines and much more
  • Inequality Graphing App – Enhancing Y= with relation graphing
  • Using the Boolean features to graph number lines and piecewise functions
  • How to set calculators for exams
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Level: All

L’Hopitals Rule uses derivatives to help evaluate limits involving indeterminate forms, and is now included in the AP* Calculus Course and Exam Description for 2016-2017. To support your TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ Technology implementation, this session will focus on:
  • Developing the basic rule of evaluating indeterminate forms
  • Exploring AP* type questions and how students should answer them
  • Learning how AP* type questions involving L’Hopital’s Rule might be scored

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. Visit

Speakers: Marc Garneau, John Hanna
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Get your students excited about coding with TI-Nspire™ handhelds, software and apps for iPad®. This webinar introduces you to the built-in programming editor and will cover “the basics:” statement structure, keywords, programs and functions, as well as some control structures including conditional statements and loops. The presenters will also introduce the new “10 Minutes of Code” activities for TI-Nspire™ technology: short, easy-to-master lessons that include everything beginners need to succeed. This programming capability makes an ideal companion for the new AP* Computer Science Principles course where the programming language and platform is determined by the teacher.

Speakers: Jeff Mathews, Stephanie Ogden
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Join us for an inspiring conversation about the administrator’s role as a catalyst for building a dynamic STEM program. We will share insights on the effective leader’s impact on overcoming the challenges of preparing students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This session will focus on:
  • Strategies for developing STEM habits of mind to promote college readiness and interest in STEM careers
  • Identifying curricular areas with opportunities for rich STEM tasks
  • Exploring how TI technology and professional development can support the successful implementation of STEM programs
Speakers: Ruth Casey, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Did you know that you can customize students’ learning with free, interactive graphing calculator apps for the TI-84 Plus family? Many math and science apps are pre-loaded on your TI-84, and all you need to further extend its functionality is the free TI Connect™ CE connectivity software. This session will focus on:
  • Performing simulations and collecting random data with the Probability Simulation app.
  • Exploring the Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver app
  • Investigating circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas with the Conic Graphing apps
  • Enhancing Y= Function mode graphing with the Inequality Graphing App and Transformation Graphing App
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Expressions and equations provide an important conceptual bridge between middle grades and high school mathematics. Join us to learn how Building Concepts engages students in a progression of focused TI Nspire™ lessons to target misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of expressions and equations. This session will focus on:
  • Connecting expressions and equations through a coherent story within and across Grades 6, 7, and 8
  • Leveraging TI-Nspire™ technology to enhance visualization in support of learning
  • Implementing effective teaching practices to support developing concepts
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Steve Kokoska
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Join Vicki Carter, co-chair of the 2015-2016 AP* Calculus Development Committee, and Steve Kokoska, the 2012-2015 Chief Reader, as they discuss strategies to prepare your students for the AP* Calculus Exam using TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology. This session will focus on:
  • Examining recent AP* Calculus AB free response questions through the lens of TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Graphing and analyzing the behavior of functions using TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology
  • Exploring ways to use TI-84 and TI-Nspire™ technology to solve problems involving derivatives and integrals

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product. Policies subject to change.

Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Elizabeth McMillan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Texas Instruments and Sanford Health, a nationally renowned non-profit healthcare system, have teamed up to produce STEM Behind Health, a series of free activities for TI-Nspire™ technology. The activities present important STEM concepts in the context of real people coping with real diseases. This session will focus on:
  • Using interactive TI-Nspire™ activities to engage students in the math and science behind rare genetic diseases
  • Encouraging students to connect what they are learning in the classroom to authentic research that’s happening now
  • Inspiring students to learn more about meaningful careers in the field of health care
Speakers: Kyle Atkin, Katie Martinez
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

If you want to learn formative assessment strategies that can positively impact teacher performance and student achievement, then this webinar is right for you. We will highlight a range of practical tools for math coaches and supervisors to support the successful implementation of formative assessment with your teachers. This session will focus on:
  • Growing a leadership culture that promotes teacher learning
  • Exploring how TI technology and professional development can support effective formative assessment
  • Questioning strategies for gaining clearer insight into student understanding
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

A partnership between NASA and TI, mISSion imaginaTIon provides teachers and students with challenges related to solving real issues being explored on the International Space Station (ISS) in preparation for long-term manned missions to Mars. Free, interactive TI-Nspire™-based lessons reinforce math and science skills by enabling students to apply their knowledge to solve problems with virtual interactive activities.
  • “Fuel for the Fire” allows students to explore rate of change in the context of fueling SLS, NASA’s Space Launch System.
  • “Keep Calm and Enjoy the Ride” gives students insight into the world of cardiovascular health on the ISS.
Join us for an exploration of the mISSion imaginaTIon project and these TI-Nspire™ activities.

Speakers: Tammy Jones, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI 84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI 84 technology when working with probability and statistics. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Using the Stat Wizards to execute common probability and statistics commands
  • Entering, plotting and analyzing a list of data
  • Exploring probability theory with interactive animations in the Probability Simulation app
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Are you still discovering TI-Nspire™ features that make your eyes light up? Whether you are a TI-Nspire™ veteran or are picking it up for the first time, join us to learn about many valuable, often overlooked features that can enhance instruction and increase student understanding. This session will focus on:
  • Using key features of the built-in Calculator, Graphs, Geometry, and Data & Statistics applications
  • Making real-world connections by inserting images into TI Nspire™ documents and overlaying mathematical objects on them
  • Modeling technology skills with the TI-Nspire™ CX Teacher Software to lead your class in active learning
Speakers: John LaMaster, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI-84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI-84 technology when working with expressions and equations. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Editing and evaluating expressions on the home screen, the Y= screen, tables and lists
  • Adjusting the viewing window to find complete graphs not displayed in the standard window
  • Bringing spreadsheet power to the list editor
  • Understanding unexpected results and troubleshooting common errors
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The role of statistics is changing in the K-12 curriculum, and students are increasingly being asked to develop statistical reasoning skills and communicate statistical ideas. Join us to learn how Building Concepts engages students in a progression of focused TI Nspire™ lessons to target misconceptions and develop a deeper understanding of statistics and probability. This session will focus on:
  • Connecting statistics and probability through a coherent story within and across Grades 6, 7, and 8
  • Leveraging TI-Nspire™ technology to enhance visualization in support of learning
  • Implementing effective teaching practices to support developing concepts
Speakers: Karen Campe, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Whether you are already using the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator in your classroom or want to learn more about the TI-84 Plus CE, join us for tips on how you and your students can get the most out of your TI-84 technology when working with graphs. This session will focus on tips and tricks for:
  • Graphing and analyzing functions
  • Using the QuickPlot and Fit Equation features to plot points on a background image and develop a mathematical model
  • Exploring functions and inequalities with the Transformation Graphing app and Inequality Graphing app
Speakers: Ellen Browne, Tom Steinke
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

The TI-Nspire™ App for iPad® brings a whole new meaning to hands-on learning! Whether you are new to the app or want to learn more about the latest features for math and science, join us for an up-close look at the app’s all-in-one functionality and comprehensive set of computational, graphing and analytic tools. This session will focus on:
  • Creating interactive geometric shapes using the Math Draw feature
  • Collecting and analyzing data using the Vernier Go Wireless® temperature sensor
  • Accessing external content with the built-in QR Code® reader

Speakers: Marco Gonzalez, Sandra Hocutt, Amador Vasquez, Valerie Hudson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Margaret Bambrick, Ruth Casey
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Todd Morstein, Mike Cimino
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Greg Dodd, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Elizabeth McMillan
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Mike Cimino, Fred Fotsch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Tammy Jones, Stuart Moskowitz
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Betty Gasque
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Dan Ilaria, Steve West
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Jeff McCalla, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Blake Helm, Andi Parr
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Katie England, Ellen Browne
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Jill Gough, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Michelle Rinehart, Toni Norrell
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Katie England, Jeff McCalla
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Audrey Cucci, Blake helm
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Bill Caroscio, Steve West
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Karen Campe, John LaMaster
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Veronica Carlson, Dan Ilaria
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Connie Schrock, Jennifer Wilson
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Greg Dodd, Fred Fotsch
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Mike Cimino, Jeff Lukens
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Dr. Mayim Bialik, Dr. Steven Schlozman
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Linda Antinone, Cassie Whitecotton
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Sherri Abel, Andi Parr
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Level: All

Graphing technology is becoming an increasingly important tool in middle grades mathematics classrooms. Many states have shifted more algebra content into the middle grades, and some even require students to have access to graphing technology during classroom instruction and assessments. To support your TI‑84 implementation, this session will focus on:
  • Working with expressions and equations using the MathPrint™ feature
  • Graphing and analyzing functions and data
  • Locating and using free activities and online professional development resources
Speakers: Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Tom Reardon
Technology Proficiency Level: All
Speakers: Toni Norrell, Michelle Rinehart
Technology Proficiency Level: All

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Neither are affiliated with, nor endorse, TI products.
**TI products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IB is a registered trademark owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Policies subject to change. Visit